~The Forests of Avalon, A Dragon Roleplay~

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It took a little over an hour for Camilla, Gabriel and Dakaris to return to Pelendava. Once they had entered the city they headed straight for the High Guard, where most of the council members would be. As Gabriel landed on the shiny marble landing outside, he hesitated, not sure if he should follow her or not. He was curious to hear what they would discuss at the meeting, but he wasn't on the council and it wasn't his place to ask questions.

Camilla turned around when she noticed he wasn't following. Reading the hesitant look in his eyes she said "I suppose its only fair to invite you to the meeting now, after what you have seen."

"Thank you, Camilla." He replied respectfully, dipping his head and following her into the building towards the chamber where the council gathered. Amatis was already there, her gaze questioning when Camilla and Gabriel approached "Is everything alright?" She asked.

Instead of answering her question directly, Camilla ordered her to gather the rest of the council and meet here as soon as they could.
Camilla tapped her claws loudly on the hard marble floor to start the meeting. In great detail, she explained what she had discovered and the rest of the council members listened without a sound. Once she was finished, Amatis asked: "Do you know what the symbols mean?"

"No" Camilla shook her head "But I believe it was written in Syriac."

A small gasp of surprise went through the council members. "What is Syriac?" Gabriel blurted out, unable to help himself. As soon as he had spoken he regretted it, and crouched lower.

Camilla however, didn't seem angry that he had spoken out of turn. "It is the language of the Ancients" She explained patiently "Legend says that it was the language Sauron spoke, though nobody alive today can read it. Not that I know of anyways."

"Sauron?" Gabriel protested boldly "But the story of Sauron is simply a myth!"

From the expression on Camilla's face, he guessed that she didn't share his confidence in that fact. However, it was Amatis who spoke next "Perhaps not." She replied, placing a sharp claw to her chin in thought "You mentioned you spotted another dragon there, Camilla?"

"Yes" She replied with a slight nod "Not one that I've ever seen before."

Gabriel remembered the demonic look she had given them right before he left and shivered. "Maybe the myth isn't a myth at all..." Amatis said quietly, her voice trailing off at the end.

Camilla didn't reply right away, her mind was working furiously "The dragoness, when she left... she flew towards Mount Mandalla, where the lands of Caronia are said to be."

"I think there is more to this then we can see at this point." Amatis said "We should keep an eye out for anymore signs of this... mysterious situation."

"I agree." Camilla rose to her feet and turned to Darkaris and Gabriel "Nothing you have heard here is to be shared with anyone. Understood?"

Gabriel nodded "Yes, Camilla."
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