~The Forests of Avalon, A Dragon Roleplay~

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(Gemini is the two headed dragon I think, thats BirdNuts character)

Kit shot a questioning look at Kat, then they both shrugged and followed Gabriel, Coatl and Dusky back to Pelendava.
good night
Amatis woke Alistair early the next morning, the pale light of dawn could just barely be seen on the horizon and it was still dark out. "Camilla wants to see you." She told him.

"What? Why?" Alistair opened his jaws in a massive yawn "Its hardly dawn!"

"She did not say."

Alistair rubbed sleep out of his eyes and followed Amatis out of the hut, shivering in the cool night air. He stretched his wings and launched himself in the air, heading towards the High Guard. When he arrived, Amatis gestured towards the library, signaling to him that she was in there.

"Alistair" She greeted him once he entered the room, she was seated against the far wall, her eyes staring out the dark window "Please close the door."

He did as he was told and padded closer "What is it that you want?"

"I have a mission for you, a very important one."

Alistair's interest rose and he pricked his ears "What about?"

For the next few minutes, Camilla explained what they had discovered with the peice of strange metal and the mysterious markings she had identified to be Syriac. Alistair's eyes widened for a moment, as he had not known any of this.

"How many dragons know about this?" He asked.

"Only the council, Gabriel, Dakaris and me." She replied "And I would like it to stay like that, for now anyways. If I told the city without more information... there could be panic. And I can't have that."

"I understand" Alistair gave a slight nod "But why are you telling me this?"

"I want you to find Caronia, if it is actually a place instead of the myth we know it as. That is your mission."

"But, Avalon is huge, how do I find it?"

"The myth says that Silas's followers fled to Mount Mandalla, that would be a good place to start. You are not to attack, or make your presence known. If Caronia does exist..." Her voice trailed off "We'll worry about that later, first I need to know if they exist at all."

"I will not fail you, Camilla." Alistair replied solemly as he moved towards the door "Wait for me, I will return."

"May the good wishes of Pelendava go with you, Alistair." She dipped her head to him as he left.
(I'm SO sorry for holding things up like this - it's been a busy day over here. Let's just pretend that Tenebrae hasn't really been staring at Silvanus for 24 hours, haha.)

"Yes," Tenebrae answered Silvanus, paying the rather irritated Lilith nothing more than a mere glance with a subtly cocked browline, before again meeting the foreign dragon's vivid eyes. "I hear you wanted to speak with me?" he looked on expectantly at the colorful dragon.

(Reposting for Gerb's sake - I know that going back and digging for posts, or missing them isn't fun
Alistair left the city as the sun became completely visible behind the mountains, the air was cool and crisp and the dawn chorus of the birds was well underway. Mount Mandalle, he knew, was on the far side of Avalon and was the tallest mountain for hundreds of miles. Even from Pelenedava you could faintly see it in the distance, though it was very far away. Folk from Pelendava never went as far as Mount Mandalla, it was a barren landscape with little to offer... at least compared to the riches in the forests surrounding Pelendava. Alistair shivered, though the sun's warmth was beating down on his back. If Caronia did exist, were they strong enough to pose a threat to Pelendava?
Rich text editor, ContentEditor_0, press ALT 0 for help.

(Reposting for Gerb's sake - I know that going back and digging for posts, or missing them isn't fun :p )

( :p True, lol.)

"That is correct. I have come to Caronia to see if they are true, the tails I have heard. You are an heir to Silas, or so it is said. My people have passed the stories down as history, and I am starting to believe they are true." He replied, his words seemingly indifferent, but his eyes reflecting questioning.
True, lol.)
"That is correct. I have come to Caronia to see if they are true, the tails I have heard. You are an heir to Silas, or so it is said. My people have passed the stories down as history, and I am starting to believe they are true." He replied, his words seemingly indifferent, but his eyes reflecting questioning.

(Woah, is it just me or does your post say "Rich text editor, ContentEditor_0, press ALT 0 for help."?)

"You would be correct, then," he nodded, a very subtle grin lingering on one side of his mouth, which only made his stoic, thoughtful countenance all the more difficult to read. "I am one of the last descendants of Silas." He cocked his head just slightly, his expression unchanging as he did so, "Now tell me, young dragon, was that all that you came here for? Merely polishing up on your history?"
(Woah, is it just me or does your post say "Rich text editor, ContentEditor_0, press ALT 0 for help."?)

"You would be correct, then," he nodded, a very subtle grin lingering on one side of his mouth, which only made his stoic, thoughtful countenance all the more difficult to read. "I am one of the last descendants of Silas." He cocked his head just slightly, his expression unchanging as he did so, "Now tell me, young dragon, was that all that you came here for? Merely polishing up on your history?"

(I thought it was me, you're not alone. Really weird.)

Silv's painted grin gave him a slightly deranged expression as he formed a half smile and replied, "Of course not. All these miles to prove a story," he snorted, eyes gleaming, "I came to enlist, or which ever term you prefer. You, or more Sila's, have earned our respect for centuries, and the guides told me it was time."
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