~The Forests of Avalon, A Dragon Roleplay~

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Saphira responded to the white dragoness " no, I haven't. It's beautiful "
"Well, then let me give you the run down." She turned slightly so that she could look out over the city. "Pelendava is the capital city of Avalon, built about 2000 years ago. All dragons in Avalon are welcome to visit or become a citizen. We offer shelter to those in need on a temperary basis and sell goods to those living in smaller villages across the mountains."
Silv sat perched on a outcropping, over looking Coronia.
A sudden, furious flapping of wings broke the silence as Christina hauled herself over the top of the outcrop, dragging her prey behind her. She bowed briefly to Silv and shuffled over, keeping her eyes low. Her wings were bloody, as was most of her body from her encounter with Dragonoth and she was missing patches of scales here and there. "Sorry I'm late." She panted, maintaining her low gaze. She dragged the prey over and deposited it beside him. "I know you're new, so if your wondering why I'm bringing you this its because I hunt for most of the warriors." She explained, shuffling back to the edge of the outcrop.
Dragonoth flapped silently in the darkness behind the outcropping watching the dragons.
A sudden, furious flapping of wings broke the silence as Christina hauled herself over the top of the outcrop, dragging her prey behind her. She bowed briefly to Silv and shuffled over, keeping her eyes low. Her wings were bloody, as was most of her body from her encounter with Dragonoth and she was missing patches of scales here and there. "Sorry I'm late." She panted, maintaining her low gaze. She dragged the prey over and deposited it beside him. "I know you're new, so if your wondering why I'm bringing you this its because I hunt for most of the warriors." She explained, shuffling back to the edge of the outcrop.
Ramira flew up to Christina. "Are you OK?" she asked, seeing how bloody she was.
A sudden, furious flapping of wings broke the silence as Christina hauled herself over the top of the outcrop, dragging her prey behind her. She bowed briefly to Silv and shuffled over, keeping her eyes low. Her wings were bloody, as was most of her body from her encounter with Dragonoth and she was missing patches of scales here and there. "Sorry I'm late." She panted, maintaining her low gaze. She dragged the prey over and deposited it beside him. "I know you're new, so if your wondering why I'm bringing you this its because I hunt for most of the warriors." She explained, shuffling back to the edge of the outcrop.

Silv cocked his head, first at the mangled meat that lay at his side and then to the bloodied dragoness.
He felt no pity for her as he craned his neck and studied the dragon in her rather wretched state. There was nothing to her, he thought, she probably deserved her position.... but her blue eyes, her eyes..... They were captivating. There was no blue in this barren place, let alone much green or brown. Her eyes were river gems, and beneath the grime and rusty blood her scales were probably as well.
"What is your name, hunter?" He inquired, pausing as the dragon Ramira appeared.
Silv cocked his head, first at the mangled meat that lay at his side and then to the bloodied dragoness.
He felt no pity for her as he craned his neck and studied the dragon in her rather wretched state. There was nothing to her, he thought, she probably deserved her position.... but her blue eyes, her eyes..... They were captivating. There was no blue in this barren place, let alone much green or brown. Her eyes were river gems, and beneath the grime and rusty blood her scales were probably as well.
"What is your name, hunter?" He inquired, pausing as the dragon Ramira appeared.
She paused with her wings half opened, ready to take flight. For a moment she stood there, suspended over the edge of the outcrop, debating whether or not to simply leave and pretend she hadn't heard, or answer his question. Finally, she closed her wings and leaned back, turning to face him. Her eyes were instantly drawn to him over the bland grey rock behind him, his startlingly bright colors were unusual for these parts as blending in was as much of a skill as staying silent.
"Christina," she replied once she had gotten over the initial surprise of the question he had asked.
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