The Frankenchicky Diaries (& Derpy)

So sorry to hear about Frankenchicky.
You gave her a good fighting chance.

Go Derpy! So glad to hear she's doing well!
I'm sorry you lost frankenchicky. He's a happy little chick now running around playing with the others.

Go Derpy! How's this one doing today?
Sorry again for the delay. I've worked all night on this video instead of a long post because I just don't have words. It was quite obvious from the beginning that they wouldn't make it too long, but it hardly makes the passing easier. Who knew one would come to love such a thing so much in such a short time.

Derpy passed away today. I checked on her around 7am this morning just before I left for a big local swap, and she was fine. Managed to eat a good little bit of chickyshake and was walking even better than yesterday. I checked on her as soon as I walked back in the door just before noon, and she was gone. I'm not really sure what went wrong, and I guess it doesn't much matter now..I just wish I were with her when she passed.

A sincere, resounding thank you to everyone who followed along, sent happy thoughts or prayers. I'm sure the prayers kept them going longer than they should have. Such inspirational little creatures. I'm not sure why, but it seems like, besides teaching me a few lessons myself, with other folks out there caring for them, they didn't live and die in vain. It sure seems lonelier around here now, though.

Again, thank you all so much, and here's the cheesy little video I created to commemorate their little lives.

Sorry again for the delay. I've worked all night on this video instead of a long post because I just don't have words. It was quite obvious from the beginning that they wouldn't make it too long, but it hardly makes the passing easier. Who knew one would come to love such a thing so much in such a short time.

Derpy passed away today. I checked on her around 7am this morning just before I left for a big local swap, and she was fine. Managed to eat a good little bit of chickyshake and was walking even better than yesterday. I checked on her as soon as I walked back in the door just before noon, and she was gone. I'm not really sure what went wrong, and I guess it doesn't much matter now..I just wish I were with her when she passed.

A sincere, resounding thank you to everyone who followed along, sent happy thoughts or prayers. I'm sure the prayers kept them going longer than they should have. Such inspirational little creatures. I'm not sure why, but it seems like, besides teaching me a few lessons myself, with other folks out there caring for them, they didn't live and die in vain. It sure seems lonelier around here now, though.

Again, thank you all so much, and here's the cheesy little video I created to commemorate their little lives.

Awww. Poor babies, I had really hoped Derpy would pull through..
Bless you for your loving kindness and effort to these little ones.
Awww my heart is so sad now. You are such a sweet person and tried so hard. I was really hoping she would make it. You are amazing and you really did everything you could possibly do. I guess God called these little ones but their little lives touched so many hearts. They truely were special and will definitely be remembered by many. . I believe you will see these two again in the house God has for you some day. I like to think my animals are waiting for me up there and some day when God calls me we will all be together again. God bless you and may God comfort you in this time of sadness.. You are a amazing person and I hope God pours out his blessings on your life. Again I am very very sorry you lost your little guy. Such sad news.
I'm so sorry that Derpy passed is always harder when the special needs babies go home to heaven. God bless you for your loving, caring heart....
I've watched the video probably 50 times between making it, previewing it, showing DH, etc, and it still makes me blubber like a baby everytime.

Thank you sincerely for the kind words, everyone. They really mean a lot, and I'm happy to know their little lives touched others, as well.
I finally was able to watch the video (wonky phone reception out here). If I come back as a chicken, I want to be one of your chickens. That was a beautiful tribute to their lives.

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