The Front Porch Swing

Yes it was on purpose. He drove into the ditch over 6 feet to kill her from the opposite side of the road. It makes no sense to me why a person would do something so cruel and right in front of us too. He could have hit something, lost control and hit us! Harvey never saw it coming as it was from her blind side. It's pretty flat right through that area, but still was dangerous. I sure wish he would have hit the tree instead.

She was a very very special girl.

And we finally have a pip on one of her eggs. These are her eggs, not another hens that she was sitting on. Harvey had the most beautiful eggs. Hurry up and hatch little harvette.
I am so sorry flocks
I have heard of people doing that here too....a friend of mine had a white peahen that got out and next to the road....jerk (not the word I want to use) drove off the road to hit her, and there went a 200.00 hen

we now have 2 Jubilee eggs.
congrats! How old are they? Just wondering cause my pullets are about 4 months now and I would like to know about what age I should start watching for eggs, and getting them separated from the other Orps. I have never had English Orps before....always had hatchery buffs and they started around 4 months.
Tnbear said 7 months and some on another thread.

On of my girls is submitting to mating now time to build the coop and get them their boy!
my boys are 5 months old now....guess I should see about getting them moved away from the girls soon, their big fat booties would squish the girls right now, if they tried. lol....but still no attempts to crow so maybe I have time

do you have Jubies too? If so, it's too bad you weren't closer, I would give you one of mine....I have 5
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Psanki now is the perfect time to plant spinach, lettuce, green onions, peas, radishes, or basically any cool weather crop. Anything I would plant I the early spring I will plant now. We also will be getting our winter salad boxes going and moving some late start tomato plants into large containers for tomatoes over the winter. Very little I won't plant in a container. You should have seen my patio when I lived in an apt. A solarium has always been on my wish list.

Congrats on the eggs TNB!

Hi Krazy!

Back to canning peaches. If you have a nasty MIL like mine don't let her pick up any spoilable products and keep them in her car for a few days. If you do you will be working straight out day and night.
Hi Krazy!

Back to canning peaches. If you have a nasty MIL like mine don't let her pick up any spoilable products and keep them in her car for a few days. If you do you will be working straight out day and night.
I have had my share of canning peaches and making peach jelly this year myself...three days straight... if I see another peach I think I will
Tn I have a pair of girls I hatched from omelette ranch in February. I'm getting a roo from miss molly but she is about 5 he's away so I have been slacking.
Has anyone heard from Mrsmooncat? I sent her a couple of e-mails a while back but didn't get any response.

Congrats on the Jubilee eggs.

I need something to put under my bantam cochin pullet that went broody at 6 months of age. LOL I had heard these babies were broody mamas extraordinaire but didn't realize I would need a flock of 8 to get enough eggs to have for hatching and selling.
Tn I have a pair of girls I hatched from omelette ranch in February. I'm getting a roo from miss molly but she is about 5 he's away so I have been slacking.

We are so excited we have 3 GFF cockerels and one lonely hen to build our program off of for now maybe later we can swap eggs with someone else who has a different line.
Has anyone heard from Mrsmooncat? I sent her a couple of e-mails a while back but didn't get any response.

Congrats on the Jubilee eggs.

I need something to put under my bantam cochin pullet that went broody at 6 months of age. LOL I had heard these babies were broody mamas extraordinaire but didn't realize I would need a flock of 8 to get enough eggs to have for hatching and selling.
I have sent her messages too, about 2-3 months ago and nothing.

You don't have ANY eggs you could put under her?

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