The Front Porch Swing

I've only ever heard of the term fowl pox, so I can't help you there. Sounds like you have had your hands full! Does it affect all species?

I went to check on fidget and found a little fuzzy poult walking on perch that runs between the cabinets the girls use as nest boxes. I grabbed it and tucked it in with fidgie, so now she has six and I have another hatching in the incubator. I tagged the five Harvey babies though, so they don't get mixed up.

Eva is starting to get a greyish tone on her head. That usually means she's not getting enough oxygen. Probably due to heart failure. She seems healthy otherwise and at 2 3/4 years she's old for a BBW. she still jumps off the ramp like she does every morning, but that skin tone has me worried. I'm just not ready to loose her. I love that fat girl! Hubby says then we should just eat her. Alex and I just glared at him. She's my pet. Not dinner still walking.
glad you got some Harvey babies
Phyllis is doing good, she is finally on the mend from her molt....there for awhile she looked awful, lol. but new tail feathers coming in and she is looking more like her old self. still got one medium sized guinea keet running around with her, which I find absolutely hilarious looking.

I have a case of fowl pox making it's way through my flock. Mosquitoes were horrible this year from all the rain. Some got it last year, so they aren't affected but it was nowhere near as bad as it is this year, the turkeys look horrible (not phyllis) all over their heads and legs. It's worse on the little chickens and the OEGB roos that have been dubbed, the pox has nowhere to affect except their eyes and legs, and so far nothing on the legs, just the eyes.
I have lost 6 littles to it so far.

I ordered some vaccine, so after it runs its course, any new birds that will be hitting the ground this fall will be vaccinated, I feel so bad for the birds, and hope it doesn't last much longer. I will also be keeping vaccine on hand to do any other birds I keep from now on. Anyone else vaccinate? It says I can vaccinate day olds and up, but there isn't much wing web on the really young ones there to stick. Is there any other place to stick them?

Glad you found your bantams pysanki

BE CAREFUL WITH THE VACCINE! Its live and I had a horrible experience with live vaccines and have some birds with lung problems when I used live vaccine on my girls after an IB scare. watch like a HAWK for anything different with everyone and treat if it looks like they have symptoms.

Don't mean to be a debbie downer but Id hate you to not realise you had vaccine problems and have them come back and haunt you like it did me.
I've only ever heard of the term fowl pox, so I can't help you there. Sounds like you have had your hands full! Does it affect all species?

I went to check on fidget and found a little fuzzy poult walking on perch that runs between the cabinets the girls use as nest boxes. I grabbed it and tucked it in with fidgie, so now she has six and I have another hatching in the incubator. I tagged the five Harvey babies though, so they don't get mixed up.

Eva is starting to get a greyish tone on her head. That usually means she's not getting enough oxygen. Probably due to heart failure. She seems healthy otherwise and at 2 3/4 years she's old for a BBW. she still jumps off the ramp like she does every morning, but that skin tone has me worried. I'm just not ready to loose her. I love that fat girl! Hubby says then we should just eat her. Alex and I just glared at him. She's my pet. Not dinner still walking.
as far as I know, it doesn't affect guineas and, that's the only other birds I have that haven't been touched by it.
I know eva is a pet, but it may be time to consider other options for her if she starts to show signs of suffering

Don't mean to be a debbie downer but Id hate you to not realise you had vaccine problems and have them come back and haunt you like it did me.
Eva came out of the house this morning looking like her old self! Yeah!!!! I'm super relieved. She ran well like a sumo wrestler over to the brush where she has a nest and laid her egg. Then came looking for love of which I gave freely. I'm sure she's on the down side of her natural life and if she foe begin to suffer I will not let her, but I'm more than happy to see her around while I can. I loves that girlie.

Wow about the live vaccine! I guess I've been super lucky in the past and rarely have any issues. Mainly we deal with the icky bug stuff. Those things have always given me the heebeegeebees.

I have four roosters that are leaving the hard way today, so best get too it.
Eva came out of the house this morning looking like her old self! Yeah!!!! I'm super relieved. She ran well like a sumo wrestler over to the brush where she has a nest and laid her egg. Then came looking for love of which I gave freely. I'm sure she's on the down side of her natural life and if she foe begin to suffer I will not let her, but I'm more than happy to see her around while I can. I loves that girlie.

Wow about the live vaccine! I guess I've been super lucky in the past and rarely have any issues. Mainly we deal with the icky bug stuff. Those things have always given me the heebeegeebees.

I have four roosters that are leaving the hard way today, so best get too it.

Well, the ib/newcastle one is supposed to be the worst, and the way we did it ( in the eye and not misting) is supposed to be the worst of the ways to do it. Of course did I find that info out first? NOOOOOO. Also I did not know that newcastle can be gotten by other birds, unlike IB. So My turkeys reacted because they didn't get the vaccine, ( its mild for them but it was freakout month for sure)
( if you do do IB /N there are Australian studies that did blood tietering that says about 94% of hens keep the immunity and pass it on for IB after 2 rounds, and do not need it every 8 weeks. That is what we were going to try, but gave up)

Of course none of this shows up on google until you look for problems and symptoms. So i'd look for that with your vacc to see if anything shows up.
Flocks I'm so happy shes doing better! Heart problems can linger without being an issue for a loong time, so she could have years yet.

I'm home all day so everyone is outside playing. Its a party time out there. The new silkies REALLY like the courtyard. They are dustbathing and and cooing away . I planted a whole bunch of wheatgrass ( had gotten too long in the fodder bucket) and of course they dig it all up immediately. But they had so much fun! and ate it when they ignored it before. I have a greens tray with growing greens in the coop, but they cant dig it up since its under wire.

If anyone is interested in rooster collars I posted the picture and designs on the nor cal thread and the other thread. A friend invented them and they keep roosters from crowing loudly ( but they can still crow0
I thought that rooster collar was amazing and I seriously think she should patent it and sell them. If I lived in town and weren't allowed roosters I would be making them in a heartbeat!

Lovely thought that Eva will be around for years, but with her being a Broad Breasted Behemoth I don't think so. We weighed her over the weekend........sixty seven pounds 3 ounces. She's large and in charge! I wonder how big they get at breeders? They kinda starve them to keep them from getting too big, but Eva eats whatever she wants. Even if we were eating it first! She's been known to steal Alex's apples. I hunk what keeps her healthy is running with the midgets. And run they do! Eva goes along, but she's kinda like the little toy weeble airplane that wobbles back and forth without falling down. But she appears to be healthy and have good strong bones, so I'm happy she's happy. And we love her huge eggs for baking.

Glad you got some new silkies to love! They are such funny little fluffy things. We lost two in the theft. Our one white and our one blue. They left the buff. Jerks!
Eva came out of the house this morning looking like her old self! Yeah!!!! I'm super relieved. She ran well like a sumo wrestler over to the brush where she has a nest and laid her egg. Then came looking for love of which I gave freely. I'm sure she's on the down side of her natural life and if she foe begin to suffer I will not let her, but I'm more than happy to see her around while I can. I loves that girlie.

Wow about the live vaccine! I guess I've been super lucky in the past and rarely have any issues. Mainly we deal with the icky bug stuff. Those things have always given me the heebeegeebees.

I have four roosters that are leaving the hard way today, so best get too it.

so glad she is doing better!!

Of course none of this shows up on google until you look for problems and symptoms. So i'd look for that with your vacc to see if anything shows up.
Flocks I'm so happy shes doing better! Heart problems can linger without being an issue for a loong time, so she could have years yet.

I'm home all day so everyone is outside playing. Its a party time out there. The new silkies REALLY like the courtyard. They are dustbathing and and cooing away . I planted a whole bunch of wheatgrass ( had gotten too long in the fodder bucket) and of course they dig it all up immediately. But they had so much fun! and ate it when they ignored it before. I have a greens tray with growing greens in the coop, but they cant dig it up since its under wire.

If anyone is interested in rooster collars I posted the picture and designs on the nor cal thread and the other thread. A friend invented them and they keep roosters from crowing loudly ( but they can still crow0
in the eye? was it drops or?

I have read and read and read some more on the fowl pox vaccine....mainly just says to watch out for veins and to make sure the skin gets punctured and of course make sure you don't stick yourself.Have to check after a few days to make sure it "takes" Other than that bit of advice I haven't seen really any hazards to the birds other than may cause them to act depressed for a few days. Which is how they act while affected with the pox anyway. If it saves them from getting this stuff on their eyes, and dying a slow death because they can't see to eat or drink, I have no problem with depression.
so glad she is doing better!!

in the eye? was it drops or?

I have read and read and read some more on the fowl pox vaccine....mainly just says to watch out for veins and to make sure the skin gets punctured and of course make sure you don't stick yourself.Have to check after a few days to make sure it "takes" Other than that bit of advice I haven't seen really any hazards to the birds other than may cause them to act depressed for a few days. Which is how they act while affected with the pox anyway. If it saves them from getting this stuff on their eyes, and dying a slow death because they can't see to eat or drink, I have no problem with depression.

you could be 100% right! This one you were supposed to atomize or put in the eye. Atomize was supposed to be less problematic, but once again, only saw that when I google issues, not when i normally googled. You seem more prepared then I was!
I forgot to share the good news. We have acquired a new Light Brahma rooster to put over our Blue Columbian Brahmas. He is from a show line and actually placed very well earlier in the year.

We also picked up 8 more Jubilees that originally were from Fancy Chick.

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