The Front Porch Swing

Hi Crystal!

I'm thinking the two Arkansas Blues may both be cockerels

The SF look to be a pair!
I think we need to have people joining post a picture of either their porch or a dream porch
My house actually is two story with a wrap around porch with columns in the front. Unfortunately, I can't post a pic right now because it has boxes of vinyl siding on it from where we are slowing putting up siding and replacing the windows.

This is close to what my house is except that the attic gable is on the front and has a main door into the living room and side door from master bedroom that we added.
Hello, everyone! What a wonderful, relaxing thread you've started, Heather! I've only made it half way through the posts, but I have a ton of quotes. ;)

Oh, if you don't mind my asking...  I need to get some bird netting to cover one of my runs.  Anyone have a recommendation on where to get some??  I will need to order it, can't find it anywhere locally..

I'm pretty sure I ordered mine from Bird B Gone (I have my receipt at work and will check Monday). I called in and talked to someone to explain what I needed and they told me exactly what size to get. The really cool thing is I was able to order remnants (large!) from a commercial order and got it much cheaper. The shipping was less costly than any of the other companies I called.

I prefer a hammock-with a good book and a glass of iced sweet tea.

That is one of my favorite things! Unfortunately, the squirrels really like hammocks too. Every couple of years, they chew it to pieces overnight for nesting material. The soft, giant ones that I order are not inexpensive either. Darned squirrels.

Hi, CPL! Beautiful coop - I would live to have a few that size.

It am so sad for your FIL. My husband truly is my best friend, and I can't even imagine life without him. He is very lucky that you and your husband are there for him.

So I think I have a chicken with Mareks. (as if the MG wasn't enough to deal with)
I have heard that it is everywhere and you just have to breed for resistance. 

but this is my first time with it. 

and I am so is my favorite Dorking pullet, the one who has been my favorite from day one.

she is the sweetest thing ever.
I have her in my Jacuzzi tub...keeping her very isolated from everyone else.
Has anyone had any experience with Mareks?  is it really everywhere? This seems so much worse than my completely asymptomatic MG.

I don't understand why people are so "no big deal" about it.  I guess because there is an inoculation for it?
I am now convinced that the batch of dorkings/eggs that I got from this one source is genetically weak.  The only two birds to have any symptoms at all from the MG were from that batch, they were the only ones that got sick and died from the coccidia and now this.   All the chicks that I got from CPL and BM6 are fine and they have been with this group almost since hatch!  all my other dorkings from other places are fine.

I know you posted this a few days back, and I haven't finished reading the thread to check for a status. I saved some information on Mareks on my computer. There are people here on BYC that have successfully treated the symptoms. I will PM you with whatever info I can find when I get to my laptop.

I was going to PM you anyway because I just went to check my mail and received your package. It totally made my day - the pysanky eggs are unbelievably beautiful! My 9 year old son said that they were "like little miracles". :D. Thank you!!!

Mimi, your porch is very pretty! :D

Laura and Meg, that sounds like it was fun!
Mary, your weekend sounds like it was a lot of fun, too! I live 4 1/2 hours from Chicago, but we have only driven through, never really visited Chicago.

We had a grocery shower last night for a young couple from our church that got married 2 1/2 weeks ago. They went to Chicago (by Amtrak) for 8 days. It is fun trying to think up creative gifts to give for a grocery shower. I gave them a 3-pound can of Maxwell House coffee and I had a Tupperware canister set that I gave them-I put a bag of chocolate chips in the smallest canister, a bag of brown sugar in the next, a bag of sugar and a bag of flour in each of the biggest canisters. I found the set at a garage sale earlier this year for $5-they are $40 new, and these were in perfect shape. My set has red lids, these had tan lids.

They got a lot of frozen meat (we all do our own butchering), my cousin gave them a huge basket with 4 dozen quart canning jars, the Ball Blue Book, canning funnel, jar lifter, magnetic wand, and a bunch of other canning supplies. My dad's cousin has a bulk food store, so she gave them a bunch of packages from her store. We all were supposed to give them a recipe card with one of our favorite recipes as well-I forgot to take mine, so I will give mine to her on Sunday at church.

We usually do a bridal shower for newlyweds, and then after the wedding we also do a grocery shower to get them started. Nobody lives together before they get married, and they are usually moving out of their parents' houses into their first home together, so it really helps them to get a good start. We all do a lot of canning, and use very little convenience foods-most food is home-made from scratch.

I LOVE the idea of a grocery shower! What a wonderful way to help out young couples!

:gig   Meg, that just made me laugh-so excited about something as simple as a few eggs, we all KNOW how that feels! :celebrate   I just loved how you ended with "that is all" as if you needed to apologize to us for being excited about eggs! :lau

I've had another discouraging day-seems like my life is full of them lately. :barnie   Went to the doctor and my blood pressure was 150/105 so I am going back to my BP medicine and I couldn't get the doctor I was really hoping to get put with. :hit So much stress lately, I knew it would be up, but not expecting it to be that high already.

I'm sorry to hear your BP is up, but - oh my goodness! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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