The Front Porch Swing

Lol i THINK the gray ones are ccls. The buggers zipped through the egg markings so I'm not sure if they are line 2 ccls or my own mixes. I'm waiting for another month then I will so a 5 point inspection.

We are talking in the overwintering about seremas. The little boys in the back of the photo. Flocks managed to hatch all girls so I saved some roo lits for her.

Mind you I do jeep my turkeys and chickens together since we don't have blackhead issues here. I use them as a mareks vaccine!
pysankigirl - have some business cards printed up that say Personal Chicken Shopper & Coop Consultant. I think it would be great to have a 'bator at work - think of all the new BYCers you could harvest when they catch "chicken fever," Watching baby chicks is great for stress relief - what's not to like?

Loved your roll call of roos . Have you tried putting a yarmulke ( skullcap) on the poor polish roo? This is USA he should be free to grow a crest if he wants to!
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pysankigirl - have some business cards printed up that say Personal Chicken Shopper & Coop Consultant. I think it would be great to have a 'bator at work - think of all the new BYCers you could harvest when they catch "chicken fever," Watching baby chicks is great for stress relief - what's not to like?

Loved your roll call of roos . Have you tried putting a yarmulke ( skullcap) on the poor polish roo? This is USA he should be free to grow a crest if he wants to!

you are TOO FUNNY!!!!
Flocks in your case that was so awful nothing you did and not natural. At least if you lose animals to predators it is somewhat expected but stolen or killed is not. I would probably have been beside myself with anger and disbelief and I know u will need time to let go of peoples stupidity but u will probably never forget.

Yup every single vehicle parked on the side oft he road is eyed with suspicion now! Even the ones that just want to watchtower the turkeys fly! I know that's what they want because I question them. I'm like a police officer on my stretch of the highway!

DD you almost made me pee my pants!

Hi Krazy ! Miss just hanging out with you! I'm out on the limb all by myself now!

Yup those cute little tiny boys in the back have seriously cute tiny girls waiting for them! But turkeys in the house over the winter? . I'm there in a heart beat!
Pumpkins, Our older Turkey momma, has made all the turkeys into a turkey family. She rejected one set of chicks so I gave them to one of My marans hens ( now deceased). She then refused to watch the second set of chicks, and I found them ALL over my property ( 1 day olds can get around when they don't like mum) and after rescuing THEM I gave them to another marans. I then gave her 2 older babies and 3 breese that she accepted and took the eggs she was sitting on because she was crushing them. Those eggs I gave to ANOTHER Marans. SHe went NUTS for those babies and stole 1/2 from catalina. That batch was never very mother centric and use to sneak outside t whistle all day long ignoring all screaming mothers.

NOw Pumpkins has convinced all the babies, and our juvie female, SHE is mother and they should roost and sleep wit her. They are all different ages and all call to her and complain when she is not paying attention to them. Catalina is disgusted and has given up on all of them and laid me an egg yesterday.

Seeing all the babies line up at night to be counted is crazy cute! Even cranberries has taken to roosting with her.
nah flocks,

I am still around! Just busy all the dang time, and no one had been chatting for awhile, so I didn't either....then y'all go nuts! lol, anyways, it's auction night, gonna try to get rid of a couple Jubie roos and my trio of RIW's that are 10 months old, never a crow and still haven't laid a single egg
which is fine, opens up another coop for the young Orps that are coming of age and starting to crow. gettin ready for some eggs from them hopefully soon.

catch y'all later!
We sold a Jubilee Rooster today. Found out tomorrow our TSC will be hosting a swap for the local 4-H and wanted to know if we would come and set up. Sure sounds good to me. Maybe even sell a few extra roosters. A few chicks and who knows.
Aren't turkeys funny! Fidget is so loving with her little itty bitties right now, but let's me pick them up. Prissy sits below them and calls to the babies. She wants them so bad! I would let her help, but she left her own when they were only a week. Silly girl! I have one broody Marans hen that has been broody for about six months. She keeps killing and eating her chicks. Literally I found her with the feet sticking out of her beak! Stupid girl! We don't give her eggs, she steals them from other broodies just before they hatch. She's disgusting! I think we will eat her. Clarissa another Marans is an awesome broody! I think she could hatch a rock. Our Marans pullets are just beginning to lay now and they lay the cutest little chocolate eggs ALL OVER THE BLOODY PLACE!

Good luck at the auction Krazy! . Let us know what cute little things you bring home.

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