The Front Porch Swing

How many eggs do you think this one is hiding? She is due some time around the 19th. I think. I'm a terrible midwife.

ETA: I just double checked. She should hatch in a week! I can hardly wait!


And the tree from a different angle so you can see how large it is.


I guess 20 eggs...?

That tree would be neat to sit under and hide from the world. :)
How many eggs do you think this one is hiding? She is due some time around the 19th. I think. I'm a terrible midwife.

ETA: I just double checked. She should hatch in a week! I can hardly wait!

And the tree from a different angle so you can see how large it is.

Easter babies!!
Who is craving [COLOR=8B4513]Chocolate[/COLOR]?!  Check this out.  I subscribe to I am Baker and liked her on FB.  I learned how to make those pretty roses and this chocolate cake is looking pretty good right now....  :p

Now who is craving chocolate?  Everyone?  :lol:  

edit:  Still need more to fix your chocolate fix?  You asked for it!

You're killing me girl!! My butt is growing just for looking and wishing!!
I remember the romance novels on metal carousels in the drugstore I would skim speed read, just try to get to the end while my folks were shopping. And I remember one ended with the hero embracing the heroine "and his arms around her felt as close and powerful as a steel trap." And I was just a kid but I remember thinking something like ***! Is anybody actually reading this with any perception!!

Hahahah Cheesy!!! There are romance novels and then that are ROMANCE novels. When you find a good author, stay with her. I hardly ever read what is on the back page. If I don't know the author, I research the reviews. Why waste good money on crap. Historical, the best was Georgette Heyer. , Scifi space opera was Lois McMasters Bujold. (Right up there with Robert Heinlein) in awards. Futuristic JD Robb Kick ***** cop in 2060. I like Jayne Anne Krentz aka Amanda Quick and Jayne Castle. Burned out on Laurell K Hamilton on vampires (Got way to graphic) Charlene Harris of True Blood Sukie fame also writes mysteries. Kathleen Woodiwise wrote the first modern historical romance novel in the '80's. Created a storm. Then they patterned all the stories after her. Lots of sex and romance. Like the modern romance novel.
Blooie, I went the romance writing process in the late '80's. Went to Atlanta to a Romance Writers Convention. My stories were good, but...... but I'm way to inhibited to be comfortable writing sex scenes. Just didn't flow for me. Lost interest. (Divorce can do that to you ) Dropped it. Never regretted it. I can read a heck of a lot faster than I can write. That's all I care about.
quote name="Triple Willow" url="/t/850759/the-front-porch-swing/5040_20#post_13217921"]
Ditto! They are my weakness too. lol

I am just starting my chicken adventure and went with the safety and egg production of Barred Rocks and RIRs. Loving my "chickie girls", I have already fantasizes about adding EEs and Laced Wyandottes.
BUT, pfft, being responsible and not adding any until I have established my new flock (*whispers* but, what if mine aren't all pullets? wouldn't it be okay to get a couple of EEs this year, after all?).[/quote]

Shhh yes, it's ok!

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