The Front Porch Swing

Speaking of rain...... It rained today! All around us - not a drop here...... I planted a tomato plant yesterday. The ground was completely dry deeper than the length of the spade on the shovel. The cow pasture straight across the road is slowly turning brown. Another week and it will look like a giant chocolate chip cookie because of the angus cattle.

Skillets...... When my brother passed away and the estsate was settled, my Mom asked me if there was anything I wanted out of his house. He had a lot of nice stuff. The only thing I asked for was his cast iron pans. ( I am thinking probably only you guys understand :) )

I like this description of a cow field as a giant chocolate chip cookie.
I hope everyone has had a peaceful day like the one I have still here..even the birds are not as active today.  It's been overcast all day as the rains of tomorrow move in, cool and low humidity.  A perfect day for working in the yard and I'm glad the loud mowing that shattered the stillness has been shut down.  

Planted some pretty pink peonies today...they are one of my favorite flowers, though I usually like the ones that bloom longer.  They remind me of my grandma's house...she had a whole row of them.  But, that's not why they remind me of her house so much. 

Y'all ever notice that Dove bar soap smells just like peonies?  Well, it does.  That was the only soap my grandma used in her bathroom and her bathroom didn't have good ventilation, so the room was just heavy with the scent of DOVE.  When I smell a peony, all I can think of is grandma's bathroom in that strange, rickety old house of hers.  I loved that house!  It was filled with wonderful things to see and experience, though it was ancient and not anything someone would look at with a desire to have it...well..except me, of course.

Peonies!  Pink or white with a pink center, soft as silk, luxuriant and lush, a heady scent....and then gone before we know it. 

I love peonies too. I especially love the ones that look like a cup and saucer although I know they are more modern and the old fashioned ones that look like wedding car tissue flowers have a stronger fragrance and hardier habits. Here's a pretty one has been on this farm for some time I think. "Wedding car white".

Bee, you will never guess whst I did! ....... Put eggs from the wrong hen in the incubator .... oops! I hatched out 6 of the prettiest little pullets ....... so I decided to put her back with the rooster and collect some more eggs to hatch. Well, I didn't get the eggs I expected. So, dang it! Now I have to try to figure out which hen is which!

I did the same thing!!! I thought I knew my WR hen's egg and so I collected many of them to set.....well, guess what? Not one WR chick, all black chicks from one of my BA hens.
That was before I had a breeding pen set up, but now I do, so that pretty white bird is going to a honeymoon suite with her stud muffin for several days and then those eggs are going straight into the nest box for those. This is my last chance this season and I want it to be right.

Bee, on another thread today you mentioned Pick's disease. Were you just joking around? Why did you mention that in particular?

I was sort of joking...but sort of not. I've noticed I am losing my memory quite early on in life in little ways that are significant to a nurse, but probably not significant to anyone else...everyone thinks they are losing their memory on most days....but certain types of memory loss are a little more important.

I had a lady with Pick's dementia as a hospice patient, so got familiar with her case history and the course of her disease.

I love peonies too. I especially love the ones that look like a cup and saucer although I know they are more modern and the old fashioned ones that look like wedding car tissue flowers have a stronger fragrance and hardier habits. Here's a pretty one has been on this farm for some time I think. "Wedding car white".

Those are lovely!!! Such a healthy, big plant!

It's getting so cool here this evening that I am thinking we will have to shut some windows around here before long. I'm not complaining, merely rejoicing!
I've had two friends with Pick's disease. Hope that's not the case with you.

My mum complains of memory and lucidity loss. I always tell her "you had so much to begin with you can afford to lose a little."

A neurologist friend tells me that that's not actually BS. An older persons mind begins to forget material because it is at capacity and offloads unimportant stuff.

The smell of Dove. The texture of peonies. The important stuff!!!!
I've had two friends with Pick's disease. Hope that's not the case with you.

My mum complains of memory and lucidity loss. I always tell her "you had so much to begin with you can afford to lose a little."

A neurologist friend tells me that that's not actually BS. An older persons mind begins to forget material because it is at capacity and offloads unimportant stuff.

The smell of Dove. The texture of peonies. The important stuff!!!!

It's on the rise....when I first started nursing, Pick's was just a rare diagnosis in a textbook but now it's more and more prevalent. I had never actually had a Pick's patient until about 4 yrs ago and her disease progressed pretty rapidly. Now I'm hearing of increased incidents of Pick's, so it's no longer as rare as we once thought. It's a very sad disease due to how affects such young patients.
Can I come visit for a minute.....Stephen has to be at work at 2:00, but I wanted to say hello......A cup of tea would be soooooooooo nice......When he has to be at work this early......guess who can't go back to sleep.....makes a long day! HEY YOU SIC/BF! I love you!

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