~The Galaxy of Adventure~

"Yes, captain," said Amni and ran to level 5. When she got there she walked slowly and quietly, checking each room she passed. She heard a noise coming from around the corner. She readied her electrified blade and looked around the corner. What she saw looked similar to her and was about the height.

Kyla wobbled past Amni, she couldn't believe her eyes, it was a real life alien!

[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Gender:Female [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Occupation:Left over she tries to save many of her species [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Personality:Smart,skilled fighter,Pretty,flirty,protective and kind but unmerciful and forceful when she has to be [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Description:She is a blue fox human mix, a blue color with neon glowing green dots,she is tall and carrys a narrow sniper,pistol,small arrow gun and dagger she wears a brown heavy duy vest in order to fight and tight action suit.[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]History:She was a fox that was mutated with a mixture of human and many other aliens blood she went rough and attacked everyone and was sent here she is now known as monster but her name is simply Juper [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Username:SoccerGurl [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Other:She has no rank[/COLOR]


[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Species:Anthro [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Personality:kind,elegant,smart,skilled fighter,and serious [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Description:She is a lizard human and is black all around with red gems inbedded in her skin she is also fire proof with 4 rings in 1 ear [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]History:no one knows she tells no one [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Username:Soccer Gurl [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]

Beth grabbed her gun and cautiously walked toward and door she took her leg and with a powerful kick it busted open screams filled the foggy air she saw what seemed to be in every room Left overs she saw that most were grens A weird kind of bird bounty hunter that kills she pointed her gun they didn't seem to move she lowered her gun "Fine I'll leave you here" she said and left
Beth grabbed her gun and cautiously walked toward and door she took her leg and with a powerful kick it busted open screams filled the foggy air she saw what seemed to be in every room Left overs she saw that most were grens A weird kind of bird bounty hunter that kills she pointed her gun they didn't seem to move she lowered her gun "Fine I'll leave you here" she said and left
Juper looked and Saw Beth coming "Find anything?" she asked "Nothing" Bethany replied "Theirs no food here I've been in hyper sleep too long and I'm gonna starve if I don't eat something"
Kyla wobbled past Amni, she couldn't believe her eyes, it was a real life alien!


Amni bared her teeth and pinned Kyla against the wall with her blade fragments of an inch away from her neck. She studied Kyla. "Who and what are you? What are you doing on this ship?"
Amni bared her teeth and pinned Kyla against the wall with her blade fragments of an inch away from her neck. She studied Kyla. "Who and what are you? What are you doing on this ship?"

Kyla didn't understand the strange creature, she only managed to stutter out a few indecipherable words. Her whole body trembled with fear.


Aticia ran out of the control room, he caught up with Amni. "Pilot knew this would happen," he mumbled. He shuffled through his pockets, trying to find the object Pilot had given him.
Kyla didn't understand the strange creature, she only managed to stutter out a few indecipherable words. Her whole body trembled with fear.


Aticia ran out of the control room, he caught up with Amni. "Pilot knew this would happen," he mumbled. He shuffled through his pockets, trying to find the object Pilot had given him.

"What do you think it is?" Amni asked Aticia.
"What was that?" Amni asked and lowered her blade, but kept Kyla pinned.

"It was a translation chip. The thing should be able to understand us now. Now." Aticia looked up at Amni. "Go on, ask it something."
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