The Good Rooster

Top Rooster

7 Years
Aug 16, 2015
North East Oklahoma
After 6+ years of owning chickens I have never had a nice rooster. I tried multiple times to have a rooster in my flock but it never seemed to work out for a couple of reasons. My first rooster was very nice to his flock and never wished to hurt them. However, he hated us and would attack you as soon as he saw you so he had to go. I had several roosters after him they were never mean to us but they were terrible to the hens some they would senselessly attack over and over. In one case one of my previous rooster went after a mother hen and attacked her and killed some of her chicks. He had to go. This seemed to be the case for multiple roosters I owned up until now. I have a year old black Jersey Giant rooster who is very friendly to us and never hurts the other hens let alone peck them. He’s already climbed the pecking order so there isn’t any more room for tensions between other chickens. The “meanest” he is to the other hens is he will do his little dance but never more if they chose not to mate. Anyway all that to say I’m glad I’ve finally got a good rooster and they do exist just hard to come by I guess. Here’s a picture of him below.

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