The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

No. I wasnt saying to put bees in the box with the eggs. Just write on the box that bees are inside. Ive been reading up on this thread and it seems some postal workers may intentionally damage boxes marked"fragile eggs".
I know. And I'm saying postal workers are worse on the bees so if you mark the box live bees, they will get smashed for sure!

They most likely throw them in the hopes to get them as far away as possible.
Lets hope someone doesn't stand behind them saying bzzzz
I wanted to mention that the best packed eggs were supposed to hatch today, and WOW! So much better! Over 50% trouble free healthy hatch!

I have four more eggs in there that I am not sure about and one upside down external pip. He actually looks OK, luckily I saw him right after he had pipped, because he could only barely breathe. I made his hole just big enough so that he could breathe well, and will leave him until tomorrow.

Anyway, it is SUCH a relief to have a good hatch!

There are eight super healthy chicks, and only a couple eggs that were early quitters, and one clear.

Anyway, these eggs were the only set that were perfectly packed. Three strips of bubble wrap, all eggs super tight against each other so that there was NO wiggle.

The large number of messed up navels and dead after one day of life chicks were from the package that was eggs wrapped in toilet paper and then in an egg carton.

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