The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

Mine lay daily and I get extra large, to what I call super jumbo eggs. My husband calls them duck eggs when I get a huge one. Some even have 3 yolks in them. However I don't try and hatch the big ones any more. They never fully develop. But they are great for cooking.
I have been busy today packing eggs and shipping them out, when I get back from my sons appointment I will have my daughter take photos up close of my Buffy and of Peaches. Peaches is molting again every summer they molt 3 or 4 times, they always change too when new feathers come in you would think they would stay the same but they don't every time they change and I even have a few that's tails have changed to a light buff color, rather then the darker red like the rest of the body. A few have started getting black feathers in their tails and wings with this last molt. Ok off until when son gets done at doctors.

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