The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

I TOTALLY understand.
I sowed some rhubard from seeds off Ebay (gor it two years ago LOL). It didn't do anything for me the first year. Of course, my mom is amazing when it comes to gardening and she got me 8 plants going last year. Well... with me working 60+ hours, I killed them all.. They dried up. Then as I was janking out the weeds that grew in place, I found one wee rhubard. LOL

I put it in a pot and it has been a good little rhubarb.. it's starting to sprout now, months later

Don't worry plants, mommy doesn't work anymore, y'all will be tended to this year!

My momma cooks rhubarb like applesauce and serves it as a side dish. It's like a cross between applesauce and cranberry jelly... slightly stringy applesauce texture with cranberry tanginess. Yum. Fantastic on homemade vanilla pudding.
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My momma cooks rhubarb like applesauce and serves it as a side dish. It's like a cross between applesauce and cranberry jelly... slightly stringy applesauce texture with cranberry tanginess. Yum. Fantastic on homemade vanilla pudding.
Tom - I love cranberries, and I love applesauce, but there is something so wrong about putting anything on homemade vanilla pudding!

"Ya ain't from roun hea ............... air ya?


Opps! I forgot which thread we were on, that would have made more sense on the Alabama!! thread!
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My dad actually mails packages (and letters) with stamps all over it like that, so it looked "normal" to me.

He buys the 1 and 2 cent stamps, and sometimes the 5. Nothing in higher denominations. And he gets stickers that are the same size of stamps and intersperses those with the real stamps just to mess with the postman.
i am a long way out of timing with this. Your dad is funny.I wonder how far his packages get drop kicked? lol
i am a long way out of timing with this. Your dad is funny.I wonder how far his packages get drop kicked? lol

BF had some friends over this week. His best friend, Heff, showed up Thursday. A package from my dad showed up last night. I coyly handed it to Heff and asked him to open it, pretty please, for me. On the outside it looked almost normal. Once you got the first layer of brown paper and duct tape (WISHER!) off, the inside was a shield of duct tape, without any box exposed. Under that was another layer, this time with CHEMOTHERAPY CAUTION bright orange stickers all over it. I still regret the day our pharmacy was throwing those out so as a joke I mailed them to my dad...

Anyway, once you got through the onion layers it was a hard Jack Daniels box. I was slightly miffed that he didn't use copper wire or metal roof flashing around the package this time. It was almost too easy.

The box top was glued shut with Gorilla Glue.

Once Heff got through all that he thought he was golden.

Alas, there was two last challenges inside. Vitamin D bottles with a flip top lid. On one my dad had promised it was "E-Z open top" - oh it was... but you couldn't get the coin inside out of the top slot. And of course the rest of the cap was glued on. Heff managed to break the glue seal and get the coin out. It was 5 rubles. Very nice, thanks dad (and Heff). The second lid was also promised as "E-Z open top" and it was. It also wasn't glued shut. But the coin didn't come out of the hole. Turns out my dad had put the coin in the freezer and used a hair dryer to make the top a bit warm and pliable to squeeze the coin in. It took BF putting all his weight on the bottle on the counter to squish it and Heff pulling on the coin to get it out [they were contemplating a hack saw but had been drinking]. It was a nice newly minted silver dollar.

Oh and both the bottles had little notes on them. I'll attach one for those of you that think any of this is made up.

Edited to add it together cause it's impossible to read as above.

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