The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

Completely ignorant here, looking for an education. What are the rules about what can and cannot be shipped across the border? What are the rules about what can and cannot be carried across the border? I have never been across the border (any border) but, other than drugs, I would not know what to expect. Anyone know the rules? If you can carry them across, couldn't we then hand them off to be mailed on the other side or would that be illegal, too?

I know just a little but one thing I know is that you can't bring food items, animals without vet visit (by seller) and papers ($$)..Def. no eggs.

I imagine pointy objects and ticking noises are not allowed either .........
No eggs means just that, NO eggs lol.
Brings up the fact that those eggs are dangerous choking hazard...Never thought about that since my grandchildren are not dumb enough to eat them but younger syblings might. Food for thought (yes, I meant that)
Eggs are different. There are not that many illnesses that are spread to the flock from hatching eggs. Bird Flu does not pass from the eggs. That is one reason why I like to hatch my own. Of course I can get some great rare breeds that way too. Crele Penedesencas hatched on Saturday. Tomorrow I have Bresse hatching. I have 13 of 14 in lockdown. Every one of them Developed! the 14th was broken in shipment. They look very good with great aircells--like they were never shipped. They were shipped by ground about 60 miles and never flew in a plane. If most of them hatch, this will be the fourth shipped egg hatch in a row with over 90% hatch rate

Mexico is not an import friendly country for Poultry. Being close to Mexico is one of the reasons we get free Necropsy in California for Small Flock owners though.
Australia has one of the strictest importation policies. The eggs must be hatched in a HEPA filtered air quarantine room and tested for the follwing:

Arizona disease (Salmonella Arizona)
Avian influenza
Avian paramyxovirus type 2 infection
Avian paramyxovirus type 3 infection
Fowl typhoid (Salmonella Gallinarum)
Infectious bursal disease

Mycoplasma iowae infection
Newcastle disease

Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale infection
Pullorum disease (Salmonella Pullorum)
Runting/stunting syndrome
Salmonella Enteritidis infection
Avian pneumovirus infection

I do not know Canada's restrictions but USA has similar for eggs coming on a plane.

There are big restrictions on Mexico but the birds can cross the border fairly easily on their own.

Know the risks - both to your self and the livestock you are potentially infecting - before crossing borders with eggs or any other livestock.
This was in the news yesterday. This is why security is strict about foreign imports.

Birds fly over borders..That being said that is why testing is so very important when importing from anywhere.
Annnnd, I would not compare Canada to Mexico, please. Individual countries should be taken into consideration when applying rules.
Now back to hatching eggs as this is way off topic
Back to lurking.
Quote: My point must have been lost. I was contrasting Mexico with Canada. Canada is an import Friendly Country. Mexico is not import friendly. They are Black and white-definitely not similar. There is a list of Import Friendly Countries and they have much easier requirements for Importing poultry from. Spain is Friendly too. Oh, I am not comparing Canada to Spain.....that would be silly of me.
As luck would have it, I woke up this morning around 6am to some loud chirping! Of course when I looked in the bator the one chick that had hatched during the night was one of your EE's! so here is a pic of the little one I took this morning.

So when I got home after class today I looked in the bator and found I have 2 of you EE's and 5 of my own hatched so far. Another of your EE's have externally pipped . No visible BCM pips so far (not worried official hatch day tomorrow) and several external pips on my own eggs. Do BCM's hatch later than others? Here are the pics I took when I came home. Oh by the way looks like I will have a blue EE!

As luck would have it, I woke up this morning around 6am to some loud chirping! Of course when I looked in the bator the one chick that had hatched during the night was one of your EE's! so here is a pic of the little one I took this morning.

So when I got home after class today I looked in the bator and found I have 2 of you EE's and 5 of my own hatched so far. Another of your EE's have externally pipped . No visible BCM pips so far (not worried official hatch day tomorrow) and several external pips on my own eggs. Do BCM's hatch later than others? Here are the pics I took when I came home. Oh by the way looks like I will have a blue EE!

Yes, FBCM's are notoriously slow hatchers.

Go Chickies!

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