The Hatch That BYC Built (aka Frieda vs. the Brinsea!) (Warning--pic heavy)

Here's what they will look like. The blue in front and the white in back.
That's a really pretty blue!

I was thinking the same thing!

You should see the possible fathers (especially the lighter one--I'm not sure if he's a light blue or a dark splash)
If I'd not left my phone in the car... Nice ducks, too, but no calls, so no temptation that way

We made a nice family day out of it--we went to the beach (...OK, fine, so we're less than a mile from the beach even if you follow the roads, bu we never go, since we can go at any time...) and walked through Old Town Bandon, stopping in at a book store (with really cool not-book stuff) and that toy store on the corner. After the toy store, we went to Cranberry Sweets, land of free samples (there was no begging in the toy store!) . Of the not-chocolate things, I have to say I fell in love with the hard cider pates

OK, now for the not-good thing... When we got home, it was after dark and cold (for here, anyway--it's rather shocking when we get frost, and there's been frost on the grass the last few mornings) so Mr. P thought we should have the chicks in the house overnight, after their car trip. (They'd been in ambient indoor temps for a couple of days, so I didn't need to go get the MHP). When I went out yesterday morning to feed everyone, the Sulmtaler chick had gotten himself stuck while we were gone (I've decided all the chicks that didn't make it were boys, just 'cause) ... That area is now blocked off.

I put the new chicks out during a lull in dinner prep (I really wish I'd thought to put them out before the post-turkey-in-the-oven nap attempt) and made sure to show them the location of the amenities. I didn't have a chance to go back outside until almost 10pm! I'm glad I went out to check, though--the little fuzz-heads were snuggled together under the feeder, not under the heating pad. They were still fairly toasty, even their feet, but since they're not fully feathered yet (not far from it, though), and it was supposed to drop to near freezing, I stuffed them under the heating pad. Went out this morning around 7 to check on things, and they were snuggled out in the middle of the pen. Don't think I need to worry too much about them, though I did raise the height of the heating pad--we'll see if they're under it tonight (I'll chuck them under again if they're not).

I did take some pics this morning, but I decided to type with the computer
I'll post pics from my phone next...

Proving that it can't be *that* cold in the coop! Probably from the BOSS I threw in earlier this week, when I wanted to close up early ;) That trick doesn't work with the young'n's, though...


Area blocked off. Now that I've figured out a better feeder, I will be removing that thing from the pen. Probably turn it into an oyster shell bin.


Then they noticed that the lid was open, so I had to close it back up :gig
I really should get new pics--the youngsters have gotten so big!

Anyway, I dug this out of my subscriptions to see if anyone would be interested if I were to resurrect the contest next time Frieda goes broody? I'm going to have a new hygrometer by then, and I'll move Frieda to somewhere that stays dry before I pronounce her officially broody--since those were the main problems, I think.

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