The Hatch That BYC Built (aka Frieda vs. the Brinsea!) (Warning--pic heavy)

I don't need a video--my hygrometer-and-egg-sitter-on-er chirps, especially whenever we use the flashlight to see in better--with 3 people checking (my husband hasn't done more than glanced, as far as I know) that light's on fairly often

There was no progress on the zip, though a wing elbow was sticking out of the beginning end. So I carefully chipped a zip line to complete the circuit (it had gone about halfway), tore the membrane about another half inch, put some antibiotic ointment (no painkiller--the one I got for the big chickens and the dogs) on the now exposed membrane and put the egg back with the cap still on. The chick'll have to push out, still, but it should be easier. If it hasn't at least pushed out enough to get the cap off by the time I get home from work in 5 hours, I'll have to do some hard thinking. The membrane was clear when I chipped away the shell with my tweezers.

The new pip is a little bigger, though not enough to photograph well.

Frieda... I've got some worry on that end, this morning. I forgot that there's a leak above that nest box, and we had quite a storm last night. Everything in that nest box was soaked. (The other 2 were dry, of course, as is the pen
) Frieda squeezed out to eat and drink. I decided to try to move the eggs into the pen, and see if I could get Frieda to move there. Yes, I know, in the daylight. It worked about as well as you'd imagine. So I put some dry shavings in her nest box, and put the eggs back. Frieda's still out, an hour and a half later. I'm going to check again, in about half an hour--she was still preening, so maybe she's trying to get a bit drier before she gets back on the nest
If she does, I'm going to move her and whoever has hatched by then to the pen. I haven't decided yet if I'll give her her eggs along with the chicks, or candle the eggs and finish them in the incubator. They were pretty cold when I was moving them this morning
I came home to another chick!


The egg cap is stuck to its wing, I think, so I do need to help with that. Do I just chip carefully at the shell until it's just a little piece to fall off later, or what?

Frieda may be done, thanks to the wet. When I got home from work, she was in the run. I tried putting her by the nest, like I did this morning, but she wasn't interested. I did go ahead and move the eggs and her into the pen--if nothing else, she'll get to eat and drink in peace. I'm going to go out in a bit and see if she has resttled on the eggs, but I don't have much hope. I'm probably going to have to set the heating pad up, which wouldn't be a problem, except I 've got the winter lights set up, and I've only one outlet out there... I may be able to find a power strip or surge protector or something to add an outlet, though. The other option, since my lighting is Christmas lights on a timer, is to plug the heating pad into the back of the lights' plug, and keep them on 24/7, which I don't really want to do...The older chick is more than ready to go out, and the younger will likely do better if it doesn't keep getting stepped and sat on.
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I came home to another chick!

The egg cap is stuck to its wing, I think, so I do need to help with that. Do I just chip carefully at the shell until it's just a little piece to fall off later, or what?

Frieda may be done, thanks to the wet. When I got home from work, she was in the run. I tried putting her by the nest, like I did this morning, but she wasn't interested. I did go ahead and move the eggs and her into the pen--if nothing else, she'll get to eat and drink in peace. I'm going to go out in a bit and see if she has resttled on the eggs, but I don't have much hope. I'm probably going to have to set the heating pad up, which wouldn't be a problem, except I 've got the winter lights set up, and I've only one outlet out there... I may be able to find a power strip or surge protector or something to add an outlet, though. The other option, since my lighting is Christmas lights on a timer, is to plug the heating pad into the back of the lights' plug, and keep them on 24/7, which I don't really want to do...The older chick is more than ready to go out, and the younger will likely do better if it doesn't keep getting stepped and sat on.

ooo no, sorry to read this. So Frieda had two hatch before the rain? How many in the bator now?

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