The Haunted Forest RPG

Ezria reels back, reaching into his pocket and drawing out his blade. He can smell Zahir's blood, mixing with the scent of his own, and that of the knights who lay crumpled and broken about him. He falls down onto one knee and clambers onto the warm mound of flesh writhing desperately on the floor infront of him. He grips onto the mask of his fallen foe and rips it off, tossing it aside angrily; tracing the features of a worn, scarred face with his fingertips.
"Tired?" He pants. "How 'bout a nice bit uh rest, eh?" Ezria lifts the blade high above his head and plunges it into Ravens neck. He can feel his speeding heart, and his own racing to catch up, like the drums of a parade.
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Ezria reels back, reaching into his pocket and drawing out his blade. He can smell Zahir's blood, mixing with the scent of his own, and that of the knights who lay crumpled and broken about him. He falls down onto one knee and clambers onto the warm mound of flesh writhing desperately on the floor infront of him. He grips onto the mask of his fallen foe and rips it off, tossing it aside angrily. tracing the features of a worn, scarred face with his fingertips.
"Tired?" He pants. "How 'bout a nice bit uh rest, eh?" Ezria lifts the blade high above his head and plunges it into Ravens neck. He can feel his speeding heart, and his own racing to catch up, like the drums of a parade.
Revan started dying, but in a last attempt, he swung his sword at Ezria's head
Ezria can feel the warm blood bubbling up from Revans wound and staining his skin crimson red. Relishing the moment, he is momentarily off his guard. A sharp whistling sound in his left ear breaks him out of it and he turns quickly to face it. But it's too late, the metal hits his jaw with force, slicing into his flesh.
Ezria can feel the warm blood bubbling up from Revans wound and staining his skin crimson red. Relishing the moment, he is momentarily off his guard. A sharp whistling sound in his left ear breaks him out of it and he turns quickly to face it. But it's too late, the metal hits his jaw with force, slicing into his flesh.
Revan falls down, dead.

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