The Haven

Julie looked around the group with her steely gaze, "alright. We need people to scout ahead as we learn our surroundings. We need to stay quiet. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves. Scouts, spread out and search the area ahead and possibly behind us. Report back when your done and we'll figure things out from there."

((Finally! We've been waiting for 3-4 weeks!))
Allen motioned for Jacob to move farther away, so if something did attack, the other could help, Zero slipped silently behind him, her nose sweeping the ground.

S turned to Julie as they went out of ear shot. "So.... do we have a plan of attack?" She asked nervously fiddling with her bow string. She knew where the destination was, she knew what was there. It didn't make her feel any better.
Allen motioned for Jacob to move farther away, so if something did attack, the other could help, Zero slipped silently behind him, her nose sweeping the ground. 

S turned to Julie as they went out of ear shot. "So.... do we have a plan of attack?" She asked nervously fiddling with her bow string. She knew where the destination was, she knew what was there. It didn't make her feel any better. 
"Once we find out how many they are and where they are stationed, because they won't all be in the same spot, then we'll have a plan of attack... So, technically, yes." She said, checking over her dagger blades then put them back into the sheaths.
Allen motioned for Jacob to move farther away, so if something did attack, the other could help, Zero slipped silently behind him, her nose sweeping the ground. 

S turned to Julie as they went out of ear shot. "So.... do we have a plan of attack?" She asked nervously fiddling with her bow string. She knew where the destination was, she knew what was there. It didn't make her feel any better. 

"Once we find out how many they are and where they are stationed, because they won't all be in the same spot, then we'll have a plan of attack... So, technically, yes." She said, checking over her dagger blades then put them back into the sheaths.
"If you think you can attack them, This is a suicide mission." S Said darkly, then turned away. "Do you have a backup plan? When I said plan of attack, I meant, do you have a plan to make this as fast as possible? We won't be able to stay there long they'll..." S continued, then abruptly realized she was giving away too much information and bit her lip, keeping herself from saying anything else.
"If you think you can attack them, This is a suicide mission." S Said darkly, then turned away. "Do you have a backup plan? When I said plan of attack, I meant, do you have a plan to make this as fast as possible? We won't be able to stay there long they'll..." S continued, then abruptly realized she was giving away too much information and bit her lip, keeping herself from saying anything else.
"i know what you meant." Julie said sharply. "im not an idiot." she glared at her with her piercing steely gaze.
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