The heat is one thing, Washington DC area humidity is another

Chick named Lola

9 Years
Aug 15, 2010
It is hotter than the hinges of hell here and the humidity just makes it so much worse. My poor girls are just panting. I have fans blowing, ice in the water periodically thru the day, plenty of shade. I'm not sure what else I can do to make them more comfortable. I have these big sheds they used to go under, I closed it off when I got some new chicks as I was afraid they would lay under there. Now they know the deal and I opened it back up to them. They won't go in. It's so nice and cool under there too. How do I get them to go back under? Also, what are signs of heat illness in chickens?
Thanks guys!
Chickens do not tolerate heat at all.They have no sweat glands,that is why they pant,spread wings,etc. Their body temp ranges from 103-107 degrees Fahrenheit,if body temp reaches anywhere from 113 degrees and up they are in danger. Some signs of heat/stress stroke are panting hard,wings spread,lethargic,non responsive,etc. Keep pails of COOL(NOT COLD) water in yard,in the event of a heat related emergency,submerge chicken up to neck in pail of cool water,this will immediately drop body temp and has the potential to save their life. For helping girls cope with the heat you can use frozen water bottles/milk jugs(chickens will lay against them if hot)place in coops/nest boxes/water containers,fans,frozen watermelon/other fruit,hose down coop during day,to cool everything down,small childs pool,just enough water to get feet wet. If one of your girls does have heat stroke,cool her in water and you may have to bring her inside and watch her for a couple of days,as it sometimes takes chickens that long to bounce back from heat related issues. I have on more than one occasion,brought my girls/boys into the house with the A/C on.
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