They should stay with each other. Guineas are good at bonding with each other.

I'm still having trouble getting the other one but I won't give up. I believe theyes are the African helmeted guineas. This is what the one I caught looks like.

I have already started training it to go to its new home.
I'm still having trouble getting the other one but I won't give up. I believe theyes are the African helmeted guineas. This is what the one I caught looks like.

I have already started training it to go to its new home.

That's a beautiful bird, and you've done a great job of training it, before it got eaten and became super of predators.
Will a guinea do good by itself? I haven't had any luck finding or catching the other one that was with this one. I have plenty of chickens turkeys and ducks but this little guy or gal will be by itself.
Will a guinea do good by itself? I haven't had any luck finding or catching the other one that was with this one. I have plenty of chickens turkeys and ducks but this little guy or gal will be by itself.
well guineas are very social than any bird int their families and mainly stick together as army. even during the spring,the breaking of flocks, the pair bond together and sometimes seing a male visiting a broody hen on her private site.

a lonely guinea can survive,but with stress. he or she will call alldaylong for his or her partners to find out where they are. for that reason yes!! yes it can survive by its self.
Thank you for the info I feel sorry for it being all by itself I wish the other one would come around. I don't live far from the house that abandoned it. I might try and find someone in the surrounding area who raises guineas and see if they would give it a home.
as i can tell tell, male guineas are better by themselve than females. females really hate to be alone, ive notice this behaviour always during the spring the season. when a hen went to lay her egg, leaving a cock byhimself,but remaining silent. if the hen cames back and the cock is gone, she begin calling out loud BUCK-WHEAT! BUCK WHEAT! then followed by a harsh KA-KAK-KA KREEEEEEE!!! call.
well i hope you have someone around who also own guineas,mybe it will join the flock. before it dissapear and never seen again...

your wishes
I'm still having trouble getting the other one but I won't give up.

Have you found the second one yet? It may come around if water and food is put out. I have had good luck netting when I have to take a closer look at one. I use a deep seas fishing net - purchased at Walmart for less than $25. I tied a knot in the end and also lined it with bird netting so the holes weren't that big. Then if you can get them contained a bit - inside a barn or along a wall, you can just move in VERY slowly and sort of sweep up, over and down so that the frame of the net is flat on the ground. I then keep one foot on the frame. Put one hand around their wing / back area, go underneath the net to secure with the other hand, and eventually, I get both hand around and can flip the net off. Mine do better if I cradle them close to my body, tilted in a bit and use one arm underneath so that they feel stable and the other around their wing / back held secure and into my body. If you get them and they fight you, make sure to hold them until they calm. Otherwise if you let them go in a struggle, it reinforces that when they make a fuss, they can escape and they will learn to fight you more. Good luck! It would be nice if you could get the two together since they have been together. Your one may bond with your other birds though. We did have a lone male for a time while my keets were little. I think he would have been best on a farm being the only guinea and the only bird - just an oddity, so you'll have to try it out with the one you have and see how it works. Sometimes adding others just because you think they might want more, doesn't always work either. Keep us informed of your progress and good for you for taking this on!
Well I'm glad to announce that the other guinea came to my house all on its own. I took the one over in the cage from time to time so they could see each other and they would get to squawking back and forth. I went out this morning and it was over by the cage. I let the one out the cage and they are peacefully wondering around the backyard and sitting on my back porch. I am thankful.
Great news! That was smart thinking to lure them with another bird. Are you going to keep them now or are you still looking to rehome them? What a nice Thanksgiving story - thank you for sharing your happy ending. I know you were very concerned for their well-being. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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