The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

This is Mr. Blue I been trying to get a decent shot of him all week. His twin is Mr. Purple they look identical.

This is Mohawks from Chris H? topgunn601

lookin good so far

I have a couple of half grown Mohawk males I should be getting soon they are indirectly from ChrisH they are some he hatched and sold another fellow La-yer on here.

Its a start towards having some of those "real deals" huh? LOL

I haven't put any pictures of these birds on here since they were just babies. These are Matt"s birds that I got in April. I just had to post a couple of these pictures to show the color of the legs/feet of these guys. I don't think that I have ever seen any darker horn color on any birds that I've ever had then what is on these birds. I will try and get some really good pictures of these when it cools down a little. Hey Bob, this is another project. These are 15 weeks old.

This is Mohawks from Chris H? topgunn601

:thumbsup lookin good so far

I have a couple of half grown Mohawk males I should be getting soon they are indirectly from ChrisH they are some he hatched and sold another fellow La-yer on here.

Its a start towards having some of those "real deals" huh? LOL


Yes Jeff these are from Chris born March 18 this year. My wife and I made a lil road trip to pick them up. Chris is awesome and has awesome birds as well. Provided i have the accomidations for them i gonna try and talk him outta some of his New Hamps next year. LOL I to have some males i'll be parting with as i ended up with 10 and lets face it i don't need that many. They are very good stock and well kept i'm hopeing i can sell a few when the time comes.
i m looking for eggs on flanagen line . i got 2 cock birds from bill radford . very very nice ones. thanks bill. i got 6 eggs 3 hatched and ended up with 1 pullet. so more hatching needs to be done.
Thats the way mine are from Matt on all the Mohawk/Reece birds.The ones I got last year and all the ones I raised this year.
They have the the darkest horn I have seen.
Yes Jeff these are from Chris born March 18 this year. My wife and I made a lil road trip to pick them up. Chris is awesome and has awesome birds as well. Provided i have the accomidations for them i gonna try and talk him outta some of his New Hamps next year. LOL I to have some males i'll be parting with as i ended up with 10 and lets face it i don't need that many. They are very good stock and well kept i'm hopeing i can sell a few when the time comes.

Chris has done very well in his short stint of practicing chicken rearing, for sure. He got all the info he needed to acquire good stock to start off with from the get go. I'd say he's a pretty smart feller, but that'd just go to his head and its already big enough LOL You will love the New Hampshires if you get them, maybe just maybe by the next hatching season I will be where I can get a few of those Mohawks from him or Matt or both, we shall see how goes it that's still a little ways off but not near as far as some think though, those order blanks can become full quickly for this good stock for sure.

good day all

Thats the way mine are from Matt on all the Mohawk/Reece birds.The ones I got last year and all the ones I raised this year.
They have the the darkest horn I have seen.
I can see a big difference in these crossed (Florida/Illinois) then the ones I had earlier. Thanks for your input Steven

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