The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

Start collecting them eggs people for incubation, im gonna need Many chicks in the spring, I wanna have atleast 50 or more reds, we have no one in CT that have any good Reds, and then I could help other people out here in New England :)


you'll have to convince my hens to lay first :) I don't have plans to share chicks this year, maybe pullets in the fall that I don't keep as breeders and extra roosters for sure but no plans for chicks at this time.
I do have 2 spare young RIR roosters if you want to come and get them, you can have them as soon as you can make it here. I'm guessing about an 16-20 hour trip depending on traffic and location in CT. maybe you can make it in as little as 14 hours during the wee hours of the night but not legally abiding the speed limit. And on your way home you might be able to talk another RIR owner out of a older hen for a hefty fee of course. Then you could set your own eggs for 50 or even more chicks this winter. That would be so much more fun than waiting and waiting on a box of chicks.
Hey there everyone,
I have been working on this for a few days and I think I have it done well enough to let you all see what I've come up with. Any/all of you that have enjoyed Bob's site can go here and enjoy it ( IF ) his site is taken down. It isn't exactly as his but I did my best to try and help us all out if we need it. Please don't think that I am trying to fill his shoes, I could never do that but he and I had become pretty close through emails/PM's and he was always commenting to me how much he liked the way I have so much information on my site and the he felt that there was a lot of information on there that would help the new folks getting into the reds. With all this said, I thought that the least I could do was to set something up with the information that he thought was information to help folks.
Please, let me know what you all think.
Hey there everyone,
I have been working on this for a few days and I think I have it done well enough to let you all see what I've come up with. Any/all of you that have enjoyed Bob's site can go here and enjoy it ( IF ) his site is taken down.  It isn't exactly as his but I did my best to try and help us all out if we need it. Please don't think that I am trying to fill his shoes, I could never do that but he and I had become pretty close through emails/PM's and he was always commenting to me how much he liked the way I have so much information on my site and the he felt that there was a lot of information on there that would help the new folks getting into the reds. With all this said, I thought that the least I could do was to set something up with the information that he thought was information to help folks. 
Please, let me know what you all think.

What a wonderful tribute, thank you for keeping all this great information available.
Hey there everyone,
I have been working on this for a few days and I think I have it done well enough to let you all see what I've come up with. Any/all of you that have enjoyed Bob's site can go here and enjoy it ( IF ) his site is taken down. It isn't exactly as his but I did my best to try and help us all out if we need it. Please don't think that I am trying to fill his shoes, I could never do that but he and I had become pretty close through emails/PM's and he was always commenting to me how much he liked the way I have so much information on my site and the he felt that there was a lot of information on there that would help the new folks getting into the reds. With all this said, I thought that the least I could do was to set something up with the information that he thought was information to help folks.
Please, let me know what you all think.

This is a great idea. Thank you for doing it.
Hey there everyone,
I have been working on this for a few days and I think I have it done well enough to let you all see what I've come up with. Any/all of you that have enjoyed Bob's site can go here and enjoy it ( IF ) his site is taken down.  It isn't exactly as his but I did my best to try and help us all out if we need it. Please don't think that I am trying to fill his shoes, I could never do that but he and I had become pretty close through emails/PM's and he was always commenting to me how much he liked the way I have so much information on my site and the he felt that there was a lot of information on there that would help the new folks getting into the reds. With all this said, I thought that the least I could do was to set something up with the information that he thought was information to help folks. 
Please, let me know what you all think.

Wonderful idea!! Thank you for taking the time to start the Bob Blosi tribute site.

Hey there everyone,
I have been working on this for a few days and I think I have it done well enough to let you all see what I've come up with. Any/all of you that have enjoyed Bob's site can go here and enjoy it ( IF ) his site is taken down. It isn't exactly as his but I did my best to try and help us all out if we need it. Please don't think that I am trying to fill his shoes, I could never do that but he and I had become pretty close through emails/PM's and he was always commenting to me how much he liked the way I have so much information on my site and the he felt that there was a lot of information on there that would help the new folks getting into the reds. With all this said, I thought that the least I could do was to set something up with the information that he thought was information to help folks.
Please, let me know what you all think.
Thank you for taking the time, effort, and care to set this up for old hands and newbies alike. Very thoughtful of you.

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