The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

Chicks are starting to hatch. Kind of caught me by surprise. because they aren't due until Thursday. I candled them all and another surprise is that there were hardly any duds.(infertile or quitters). Now if they all hatch that will be 90% of all the eggs including infertile and quitters. That's out of 200 eggs.

That's allot of peeps. Good luck hope they are all come out perfect
Chicks are starting to hatch. Kind of caught me by surprise. because they aren't due until Thursday. I candled them all and another surprise is that there were hardly any duds.(infertile or quitters). Now if they all hatch that will be 90% of all the eggs including infertile and quitters. That's out of 200 eggs.
.5F can accellerate hatching by 24 hours,so it sounds like your temps may have been just a tiny bit high. I shoot for 20 day hatches, and it's working great. Congrats, cmom!!!

PS: infertile eggs don't count towards hatch pecentages, so your rate's higher than you're giving yourself credit for...
Chicks are starting to hatch. Kind of caught me by surprise. because they aren't due until Thursday. I candled them all and another surprise is that there were hardly any duds.(infertile or quitters). Now if they all hatch that will be 90% of all the eggs including infertile and quitters. That's out of 200 eggs.
As we say on the INCUBATING w/friends thread... Pics, or it didn't happen!!!
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The color isn't good but these are the new hatches so far. There are some Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites and some projects.


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