The Hidden Door Chat Thread

Ok, I gotta say I can't wait until everyone is together, and I kinda hope Ashira will just kinda be like... Why are there so many couples??? And then she figures out that only one of them is actually a couple and begins aggressively wingwomaning them. And like dropping hints and stuff. Just like, "Now kiss!"

Kevin would be probably die laughing, and maybe even join her trying to hook everyone up.
Ok, I gotta say I can't wait until everyone is together, and I kinda hope Ashira will just kinda be like... Why are there so many couples??? And then she figures out that only one of them is actually a couple and begins aggressively wingwomaning them. And like dropping hints and stuff. Just like, "Now kiss!"
HAHAHAH Kipp would hide.
Take will yeet her.
Aria would just glare at her, like stop talking! STOP TALKING!

This’ll be fun :rolleyes:
Oh yeah I forgot Ashira could read minds
Yup. Watch out :rolleyes:
Ok, I gotta say I can't wait until everyone is together, and I kinda hope Ashira will just kinda be like... Why are there so many couples??? And then she figures out that only one of them is actually a couple and begins aggressively wingwomaning them. And like dropping hints and stuff. Just like, "Now kiss!"
Heh, Kylan will laugh nervously while secretly hoping he'll disintegrate.
Ok, I gotta say I can't wait until everyone is together, and I kinda hope Ashira will just kinda be like... Why are there so many couples??? And then she figures out that only one of them is actually a couple and begins aggressively wingwomaning them. And like dropping hints and stuff. Just like, "Now kiss!"
for a second I was like---
Oh yeah I forgot Ashira could read minds

Between her and the Youth Water, this is going to be the highlight of roleplay hilarity drama in yeeeeeeeeeeeeeears. :gig

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