The Imported English Jubilee Orpington Thread

Mine rooster is around 10 months (ish?). I heard him crow once, but it was a long time ago when he wad the only rooster and it was a sad little crow. He still isn't full feathered out, and has never mated (to my knowledge.) For some reason my trio refuses to socialize with any of the other chickens. Even when they sleep they dont roost they huddle together in a pile. The only thing they like is my cat, who I've found sleeping with his head on their fluffy butts so many times.

I have two Jubillee hens and they are the same way! They refuse to socialize with the rest of my flock. They are always together and always want to be left alone. They also won't roost with the rest of my girls. They sleep squished together in a nesting box.
Good to know. I thought cockerels ALWAYS matured faster than pullets. My hens are fertile because when I had my Jubilees in with my Lavenders I hatched out some crossbreed chicks (either solid glossy black or with copper neck feathers). The Lavender roo was dominant as the Lavenders all matured more quickly. Meanwhile my Jubilee Roos (well, one of them at least) crows like an immature cockerel and I've had zero fertile eggs. I know I saw the Jubilee roo act like he wanted to mate but the Lavender roo would always put a stop to it. Hopefully I'll get some fertile eggs soon.

Would love to see photos!!
Would love to see photos!!






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