The Incubation Thread

The parents, I feel, are well fed with all their nutrients, they get layer pellets and oyster shells. I do not have another thermometer so I feel that temp. may be an issue. Next time I incubate I will get another thermometer and hydrometer.
I hatch out a few hundred chicks every year. I do give my birds higher protein feed starting at least around a month prior to collecting the eggs for hatching. I do have breeding coops and what I call my general population coops for the birds I'm not using for breeding. I think (personal opinion) that the added protein feed for my parent stock helps to produce good chicks. An accurate hygrometer and thermometer is good. The eggs need to loose some moisture as they develop. Too high of humidity can cause developmental issues as well as too low. During incubation I keep my humidity around 35% and during lockdown around 75%. This is where I have had my best hatches. I don't candle daily, I candle around day 14 and again when I set the eggs in the hatchers. When I put the eggs in the hatchers I take out any infertile eggs. Some that are questionable I mark (X) on the eggs and usually they are quitters but I have had some I thought were quitters hatch. Good luck...
I would not open the incubator with pipping going on. It’s just day 21. Your humidity is good at 65% . I personally wouldn’t go higher but others may have better advice. I’ve read on here to just “ sit on our hands and wait. “ good luck!
:welcome :frow
Just thought I’d give a quick update. I’ve had 9 out of 10 eggs pip, so hopefully they hatch overnight or tomorrow (which will be day 21) hoping the last egg pips aswell. It would be nice to get all 10 eggs hatched out. Looking forward to seeing some nice colourings on them

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