The Joys of Owning Imported Orpingtons

lol.. ok now I really do wonder if I got scammed again! Here are pics of my "purebred imported JUBILEE orpingtons".. (yeah.. they are everything BUT) :mad: one of the pullets.. have two that look exactly the same.. thought they were cockerels a few months ago.. still haven't laid yet.. kind of a lavender color with orange/gold on the head and chest the white one .. starting to get some red on the wings... another pic of the lavender / gold and a few more the black cockerel the blue cockerel... really looks like a "Jubilee" .. doesn't he?.. :he the black again one of the odd lavender gold pullets the white again... not even sure f she's an english orp at this point.. a lemon cuckoo? cockerel.. a lavender cockerel.. doubt he's even an english orp at all... the blue cockerel again.. at least he doesn't have the long tail feathers that the lavender has.. he is a moose though (him and the black especially)... so they may go into the meat bird project these were taken at feeding time so everyone is mobbing the fermented feed... they also didn't like posing for pics.. and they are still in with the young egg layers since I haven't quite decided what to do with them and they aren't laying yet anyway... Yeah I know they aren't "Jubilees".. but that's what the breeders claimed... at least these guys hatched.. I had a lot of infertile eggs .. lots of rotten ones (arrived leaking and smelling) and a bunch that were broken (ever gotten eggs with NO padding in a box? yup.. they were just taped into a carton and shoved into a box) :confused: Needless to say I have spent WAY too much on my "pure bred English Jubilee orps".. and now I have to wonder about those "purebred black (possibly show quality mind you) english orpington" chicks
I dont know who did that to ya.... but your welcome to look at my birds over on FB.. Renie's Peeps. I sell my bbs chicks for 15.00 each.
sounds like some eggs I got sent twice but none every hatched, rotten oozing eggs... I can name a seller on ebay right now stealing pictures and trying to sell birds using them. if you want nice Jubilee do check out Irenes birds, she has some nice ones, and 3 lines to work with. and if you want, PM the name of the seller, I am curious if its the same person who sold me oozing eggs...
My first hatch of the year, I also got a new camera so my chicks are my unknowing victims lol BBS babies from all import lines.



more of my babies, I have been practicing watermarking them to so they can not be used without someone knowing on ebay




The tiny little chick had a hard time hatching, I dont usually intervene unless they are trying hard. I did. the little thing was half bald and very tiny, I did not expect it would live. left it in the hatcher to dry, put some food and water in there and the next morning found it in the bottom of the hatcher, had jumped out of the tray. put it in with the bigger ones and the little brat went right to pecking and kicking on any that dared get in its way. It is just fine now lol
Sorry, a few more, I dont have high speed so can only upload a couple at a time

I love this one, push me pull me chick!!

I might just have to have some of these to add to my flock :) Doing real good at watermarking.. what are you using.... I know all about slow speed internet.... uggggg
Sorry, a few more, I dont have high speed so can only upload a couple at a time I love this one, push me pull me chick!!
I might just have to have some of these to add to my flock :) Doing real good at watermarking.. what are you using.... I know all about slow speed internet.... uggggg
photoshop 7. an older version. and I have satellite, bogs out if I try to many at once.
I posted this as a new thread but realized I probably should have posted this here so I am posting it here too. I was told there are lots of great people in "The Joys of Owning Imported Orpingtons" only mine are not imported. I am a new chicken owner and I went instantly obsessed with Opringtons. I bought what were supposed to be 6 English Orpingtons but after driving two and half hours found out that they were hatchery chicks guaranteed hens and I didn't want to drive home empty handed so I toughed out a very stinky car ride home with the heat on when it was 75 degrees out! I am assuming they are Americans, its ok. While I was at the chicken farm I also impulsively bought 3 Lavender Orps straight run. Now they are all 6 weeks old and 2 of the 3 lavenders are on my suspect list to be Roos. I am only allowed ONE Roo in my city and devastated at the thought of re-homing one!

What do you think? I will post more Roo suspect photos at week 7 and week 8.

Here is SUSPECT #1:

2nd photo of SUSPECT #1:


All 3 Lavenders together...

This must be my Lavender Hen...

Here is the rest of the gaggle out of the brooder for a wing stretch...


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