The Legbar Thread!

My now 4 week olds, still running around outside even in the snow, and now perching with Mom at night up with the big birds

Hello pretty babies! They are doing so well!

I'll check the room tonight Rinda. If the room is at about 35%, would a dehumidifier help? I only have one little plug spot and it's open.
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I would not use a dehumidifier. In the summer we hatch at over (sometimes well over) 70% room humidity without issues. Remember that the heater in the incubator will decrease moisture considerably, and you may find that you need to add water to keep the humidity up enough for incubation at even a low humidity level (20%). Dry hatching does not work as well in the winter when the ambient humidity indoors is very low (below 50%)
I'd say that's good advice. See how it's going but a dehumidifier in the winter is probably not necessary. PLEASE take my advice with a grain of salt- I have been incubating for less than a year and there are a LOT of threads on here with answers to your questions and a LOT more experience than I have.

CL chicks hatched from eggs purchased on ebay. I got 8 eggs, 5 hatched-2 males, two females, and one yellow chick. One male and one female were larger than the other two and grew faster. Of the other two, the female did okay, but the male didn't thrive and died after about a week.
Im pretty sure I know what Ive got but want to double check. From top to bottom: obvious girl, obvious boy, less obvious but still a boy?


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Thanks! My daughter got me a Hova Bator Genesis 1588 for Christmas. It holds 42 eggs. The reviews on it are very good. It is suppose to be almost automatic...everything is suppose to be preset.....Althought the instructions say to fill the 1st water tray at setting and that it should be around 35-45% which I think will be way too high. That is my biggest concern. The other is that the inside thermometer is still saying only 90.5 degrees while the built in one at the top of the unit is saying 99.5-100 degrees.

We don't run a lot of heat in the house so the humidity stays kind of high I'm pretty sure I can get the humidity high at the end....

Ok, I'm here to give an opinion!
! I have a Hova Bator Genesis 1588. My recommendation is to follow it's directions and use the control center information on the top of the clear plastic lid because you have no idea, if it is perfect, as is. If you are not experienced at egg hatching, making tweaks is probably not the way to start. I am not experienced at incubating eggs, but first time all I did was open the box, read the instructions, and follow them. CL eggs and great results. Oh, and this incubator has been around for a long time, tons of them have been sold, and many reviews are positive. A few troublesome incubators according to reviews, but in general it is made to and does work perfect out of the box (following the Hova Bator directions).
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Thanks. Im trying to give the 2 boys away for free because I cant keep roosters here in the city. If you know anyone near Seattle who would like to give them a new home, send them my way!

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