The Legbar Thread!

To Pozees and all the kind well wishers: I set the eggs 3 weeks ago at 6pm. So far all of my Wellie X eggs hatched a full day early. Fast hatch pip to zip on all those.

My first Legbar egg was pipped at about 11 pm past night the little guy hatched at about noon. Still no pips on the remaining 4, but so far everything is early so there are no worries.

It looks like a pretty (beauty is in the eye of the beholder) boy, and a light one at that--yay!

I made little egg rings from shelf lining and plastic needlepoint fabric as a sort of fake nest to contain the eggs together. This way I can keep them touching and it prevents the hatched chicks from playing kickball with the unhatched eggs. So far its working well.


beauty in my eyes too!
I read a thread about this some time ago. The pullets and cockerels are under one year. Although you can show them young after they are fully feathered out (4 or 5 months) they recommended to wait and enter them at 8-10 months because they show much better. I believe that the weight is taken when you show them. I'll PM one of the judges and see if they have a reply.
In general you are absolutely correct! Under 1 year = pullet/cockeral, over 1 year = hen/cock. BUT many shows around here require pullet and cockeral entries to be that year hatches only. So you need to check the rules.

Congrats on your beautiful baby boy too!
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Quote: That's interesting information. I haven't done showing yet but have 'checked out' some of the venues. Like the National Western Stockshow that is in Denver every year in January. Never occurred to me they would limit entries to this years hatch--that would put it right out for anything before June, really. Are the shows you are talking about APA sanctioned shows or regional poultry clubs or...what other shows are there--those are the only kind I know? Shows my ignorance on showing!
That's interesting information. I haven't done showing yet but have 'checked out' some of the venues. Like the National Western Stockshow that is in Denver every year in January. Never occurred to me they would limit entries to this years hatch--that would put it right out for anything before June, really. Are the shows you are talking about APA sanctioned shows or regional poultry clubs or...what other shows are there--those are the only kind I know? Shows my ignorance on showing!
I've only been to APA shows. I think they're trying to keep an eleven month old from being compared to a 5 month old, you know? But each show might be slightly different.
Yippee dooo! Bator hatch.3 (one died during, hatch, one died head stuck on water holder in brisnea.Thats a bummer. All pullets!!. One more to go.My last hatch was all roos.Broody hatch 3 out of 3, pullets. I will post pics for scrutiny. I see a post about a legbar newsletter? Please provide info.:)
Yippee dooo! Bator hatch.3 (one died during, hatch, one died head stuck on water holder in brisnea.Thats a bummer. All pullets!!. One more to go.My last hatch was all roos.Broody hatch 3 out of 3, pullets. I will post pics for scrutiny. I see a post about a legbar newsletter? Please provide info.:)

Congratulations on your hatch. Sounds like you have a nice (albeit baby) flock.

The Cream Legbar newsletter referenced is put out Quarterly by the Cream Legbar Club -- and hats off to Anne Norman who rounds up the articles and puts together an amazing newsletter each quarter. Tons of info is in there.

It's emailed to all the members of the Cream Legbar Club---and the club stores reference things in a Google Group called the Cream Legbar Club Clubhouse -- with Clubhouse as two words instead of one -- because the person who set it up is dyslexic....LOL. In the Clubhouse all the past issues of the Newsletter reside, along with articles, some discussions, some photos etc. etc.

There is a free (associate) membership category and a voting-rights membership category called Full member. Dues are 12.00/yr or $6.00 for 1/2 year. HTH -- Following is a link with more info about the Club enrollment for all Cream Legbar fans.
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Is anyone breeding cream legbars in New Mexico? Also, do people only breed to color, or are they bred for productivity and hardiness as well? Also, how would you track pedigrees of different birds?
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Is anyone breeding cream legbars in New Mexico? Also, do people only breed to color, or are they bred for productivity and hardiness as well? Also, how would you track pedigrees of different birds?

Hey Whoops---

Wow, yes, I think Steen is in NM....and there may be others as well....

Hopefully people do look deeper than feather color when making breeding plans. You are totally ON target with the interest in productivity and hardiness. In addition to those two we need to focus on type and size of our CLs. The breed is fairly new to the USA as you may know and people are just getting started and getting our bearings on what is needed and where to go - so you are picking a good time to get involved and help develop the breed to optimum.

Pedigrees... now that is a subject that was once controversial - It seems chickens generally aren't categorized by pedigrees like livestock that bears life offspring... (But I still plan to keep really accurate Family trees on all the ones I breed/hatch - so I will know their lineage from the time they set foot on my place.) :O)
There was a discussion awhile back about CLs on eBay -- and I put in a LONG post about why not to buy from eBay. I can't find it now to PM the original poster - (and I have looked...I will put this in the other CL threads...too) --

Just saw some really nice photos on eBay of some really nice CLs and I bet that you COULD get good CLs on eBay -- and if the eBay seller happened to be geographically near you it could be an advantage.

so sorry for being so opinionated and closed minded. I have to say -- I got my first CLs from Craig's List and they happened to be my best. The last batch I got from Craig's List happened to be my worst CLs....but "you pays your money and you takes your chances..." (I also bought my very first chickens on Craig's List and one of them was the perfect chicken and one of the others was the sickest chicken in the

I apologize to the person that I implied that nothing good can come from eBay -- I happened across this seller....

I think the photo shows a very nice hen---and the rooster has six points does he not - oh you of sharper eyes than mine...??

So -- Apology to eBay sellers, and to the poster who asked. If I could find my old post, I would PM you -- but I think now-and-then BYC posts do go to electronic dust...
(but I think that they can reappear from that parallel Universe).....

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