The Legbar Thread!

This is probably a dumb question, but isn't frostbite painful to the roosters?  

There are no dumb questions :D yes, I think the initial frostbite does hurt, but once it turns black there is no more pain.

Obviously we do things a little differently than some...but rubbing the roosters combs nightly or every other night with Nustock, Aquaphor, Vaseline, or even non medicated Neosporin can really help. I think it's the massaging that helps more than anything else.
Thanks KPenley. I didn't realize when I got my legbars that their combs would be so huge. That is really the only thing I don't like about them. Since I live in Washington it rarely gets into the single digits here, but we still do get some cold temps in winter. I wanted more cold hardy breeds and am not sure the legbars are a breed I plan to keep. I'd feel bad if my roosters' combs got frostbite.
Thanks KPenley. I didn't realize when I got my legbars that their combs would be so huge. That is really the only thing I don't like about them. Since I live in Washington it rarely gets into the single digits here, but we still do get some cold temps in winter. I wanted more cold hardy breeds and am not sure the legbars are a breed I plan to keep. I'd feel bad if my roosters' combs got frostbite.

In Washington also the Rose Combed Legbars were developed and worked on by @flyingmonkeypoop you may consider contacting him if you like Legbars but want a smaller more cold hardy comb.
I'm in the cascade mountains. Years ago I lived in Eastern Washington (near Spokane) but got tired of the ground being frozen for 6 - 8 months of the year, so I moved to South America. LOL Now I'm back. I don't remember the temps ever getting below zero, and even the single digits were are rare occurrence.

I have a legbar hybred rooster now that I am breeding because I love his personality and his look. He had a smaller comb than a pure legbar, is larger bodied and has beautiful coloring. His first broody just hatched out so I'm waiting to see how much autosexing I get. All of the chicks that hatched with a white spot on their heads are cockerels. However, some of the chicks with solid heads also appear to be cockerels. in any event, I think he'll produce some great chicks that don't have the huge combs. All of his EE babies have pea combs and Legbar coloring.
I am up north of Deer Park and we generally have a week worth of night time lows that are below -20. The lack of a growing season does suck along with the super hot temps in summer. Makes me almost tempted to move to TN or KY
The summer temps didn't bother me, but I'm sure the chickens really don't like it much. Now I'm stuck here with 10 months of straight rain and I'm wondering where I should move next...
Hey there Legbar owners, my broody Austrolorp hatched out her first clutch last Thursday and she is such a good momma to these two Cream Legbar boys! I just found this thread and I was hoping y'all could tell me something about these Legbar's personalities?

Can anyone tell if see are boys or girls? They have the dot on the head but they aren't light colored and they both have a stripe down the back?

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