The Legbar Thread!

I bought them from a fellow that lives in the next town over, found him on Craig's List. I checked out all of his adult cream Legbars & they all seemed healthy & happy (they all appeared to be full Blooded Legbars, as well.) The same went for his black copper Marans, Lavender Orphs, & several different types of Cochins that he also had. All of the Legbar chicks appeared very healthy and lively, my main concern, so I didn't pay attention to the coloring on the legs/feet.
I agree with you guys, she must be a mut!!! I didn't pay any astronomical prices for them & I am not breeding them, so I am okay with it. To tell you the truth, I am kind of excited to see what type of eggs she lays being a mystery bird & all!!!
The other three chicks that I gave to my friend, two have slate/blue legs and one has yellow legs. They are all living happily with her Americanas!
Thanks for your input everybody, much appreciated!
Surprises are always fun. If you think about it, update us once they mature and begin to lay :)
Quote: It will definitely be a surprise.
Please keep us updated! I'd love to hear about her when she begins to lay!
It is too quiet in the legbar threads.... we need some postings about what is happening to Legbars in the chicken, thoughts..... what? is everyone on vacation? Dog days of summer....why so quiet.

Here is a reminder...count the production of your flock of Cream legbars -- or if you know the exact egg from a specific hen or pullet, (or if you only have one)---- then enter the numbers in the Cream Legbar Club's egg contest. Show the world what those chickens can produce. :O) If you need details ask KPenley.
It is too quiet in the legbar threads.... we need some postings about what is happening to Legbars in the chicken, thoughts..... what? is everyone on vacation? Dog days of summer....why so quiet.

Here is a reminder...count the production of your flock of Cream legbars -- or if you know the exact egg from a specific hen or pullet, (or if you only have one)---- then enter the numbers in the Cream Legbar Club's egg contest. Show the world what those chickens can produce. :O) If you need details ask KPenley.
Ironically, out of three hens I am only getting 2 eggs per week. I was sure they had a hidden nest in the bushes. I did find a nest, but none of the eggs were from the legbars. They just turned 2 years old, so age probably isn't the reason. It has been really hot here, but I thought legbars were supposed to lay well in the heat. My Rhode Islands are still laying everyday. :)
Im getting roughly 4-5 eggs daily from 7 hens. My 2 older hens lay a little more sporadically, if at all. I may cull one of my older hens as she over time is walking more and more squatty and legs wide apart. Other than that my Legbars are pretty good dependable layers. Ive never wormed my chickens before I think I may at the end of the Summer.
Here are a few pics of my Juveniles. They are roughly 17weeks old, males are getting processed this weekend YAY! Lol. I only have 7 pullets in this group, I think Im only going to keep maybe 3. I have 11 males in this group, I may hold one back from processing but haven't fully decided. I have 3 younger males not pictured here and one of them is showing nice potential.

This week before processing day I plan to give all the males a "haircut". Im going to cut off most of the hackle feathers and saddle feathers. My husband fishes and he knows an older man who fly fishes, I offered him all the feathers from my males before they go to the freezer. He was so happy :)

I figure I will use a baggy and place each individual males feathers in separate bags and I will keep a few from each for reference, I will take some photos and may post a few. This generation some males have a more of the ginger chestnut color through out the saddle and hackles, it looks to be cream barred with chestnut. The coloring looks beautiful from afar making the males "appear" more cream, though I think it is a slight illusion.
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Ironically, out of three hens I am only getting 2 eggs per week. I was sure they had a hidden nest in the bushes. I did find a nest, but none of the eggs were from the legbars. They just turned 2 years old, so age probably isn't the reason. It has been really hot here, but I thought legbars were supposed to lay well in the heat. My Rhode Islands are still laying everyday. :)
Wow, that is the worst laying record I heard for Cream you worm your chickens? In WA you probably don't have the threat of worms that we have here in the heat...but I wonder why they are not laying better for you. Heat is a factor---I've heard that they lay less in the heat -- because they eat less. They spend all their energy panting to keep cool. That is kind of it with mine--- but one old gal lays everyother day -- and the other one is molting now (smart timing to shed feathers)--- so she will be out of lay until after she finishes. Could some of yours have started early molt? Your weather is really unusual too isn't it. Temps are 20-30 degrees above what they normally would be - so maybe the chickens feel the heat more..... Hope the laying will pick up for you.

Im getting roughly 4-5 eggs daily from 7 hens. My 2 older hens lay a little more sporadically, if at all. I may cull one of my older hens as she over time is walking more and more squatty and legs wide apart. Other than that my Legbars are pretty good dependable layers. Ive never wormed my chickens before I think I may at the end of the Summer.

4-5 out of seven is more like I would expect the performance...are you planning to enter the egg contest of the CLub?
Here are a few pics of my Juveniles. They are roughly 17weeks old, males are getting processed this weekend YAY! Lol. I only have 7 pullets in this group, I think Im only going to keep maybe 3. I have 11 males in this group, I may hold one back from processing but haven't fully decided. I have 3 younger males not pictured here and one of them is showing nice potential.

What nice looking chickens! I especially like the male and the female in the big pictures....something about them.....

I have three young males to process too....... at least they all have wonky combs so it isn't a question of 'maybe they will be better' ...... it's just doing the deed, I guess. Very cool about using the feathers.....
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