The Lonely Hen --This is one of my chicken stories--

Chapter 7

It was time, time to tell them. Ethel gathered everyone so I could make my speech. When everyone was gathered I started....
"This may sound crazy to you but it is very true. Emma... I saw her but she was in angel form. She was warning me that something evil was coming and we had to get prepared for it. "
"And how do you expect us to believe you?" One of the mean girls named Tal said.
"You're just going to have to trust me on this! If we're not prepared we are all in terrible danger! This thing could possibly wipe out all of us!"
Jaz stood up, "I believe you."
"Thank you! We have to do something, we have to stand up to whatever this evil is!"
Tal snorted. I ignored that and went on.
"Emma didn't say when this evil was coming, but I know it's coming very soon."
"Ok, what can we do to stand up to this thing?" Jaz said.
"I-well-I.... We just need to get prepared and fight really. Sharpen the spurs and-and just stand up."
Everyone started to nod like they understood. Some of the mean girls were snorting though.
Jaz was speaking now, "Ok, but how will it get in this cage at night, because evil likes dark so it can attack better. Lets all sharpen up and prepare. Something is telling me that the thing is coming tonight."
Everyone gasped.
A shiver went down my spine.
Hahaha, well I won't be able to do anymore today because I'm busy. But tomorrow afternoon or evening will do!

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