the main part of my quail run was finally delivered!


Jul 7, 2019
i'm going to have to modify some things, but it is technically suitable.

to do list:
raise the run up with 1 layer of tiles under the whole thing, and several layers of bricks under the edge.
block out the wind from the side that faces the railing, probably with a reed mat.
put on a roof to keep out rain. (transparent roofing material to not block out the sun too much.)
i have a square meter garden that fits inside the cage, which i will fill up with soil and plants, around that i will fill up the edge with pea gravel. (in the corner of the cage is my balcony drain to the rain pipe so i don't want to block it.)
make a shelter/hiding spot. (near the door so i can easily acces it)
set up a water system.
buy/make a feeder
borrow my parents incubator
hatch and grow out quail until outdoor sized.
eat quail eggs

i know my bacony looks dirty what you see is the spot where water collects, which is the reason i'm putting a full layer of tiles under it... (i plan on tiling the whole balcony later.)

Do raccoons have access to your space? If they do they could definitely reach through that wire and dismember/decapitate your birds
Yeah, you should REALLY line that whole thing with 1/2" or 1/4" hardware cloth to keep predators out. Also to keep your quail from putting their dumb heads through and getting stuck.

Sounds like a plan. Just be sure there's a LOT of air circulation under the roof so it doesn't get too hot in the sun. Get everything set up and ready to check the temperature before you have to put the quail in it.
Also, I'd suggest watering with a drip hose so you can water directly at the roots of the plants, and avoid moistening the quail. Quail don't like to be moistened.
the closest raccons from here are in a zoo a few cities away, the closest wild ones are overseas... i'm from the netherlands, the only animals i have seen on my balcony are pigeons, that wanted to nest there. (and some other small birds...)

since the roof will be slanted to make sure water goes to one side air circulation should be fine, using a thermometer in there is a good idea though, as for watering the plants, my balcony is slightly slanted so if i water on one side it will leak through to the rest of the planter. (also i don't expect to have much to water once they are in there...)
Ah, that's good! Raccoons are a pain.
You may want to consider putting some kind of light, thin netting around your balcony to keep birds out. If birds show up on your balcony a lot, they could bring diseases to your quail.

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