The Middle Tennessee Thread

I went to war on wild cats this year too. A live trap set up by my coop has caught many things. They got smart and I had to start tying turkey wing tips to the back of the cage. They would go in and eat the can food and not spring the trap. The fresh wing tip makes them greedy and will pull at it till it trips. Then I call animal control and they come get them. The other critters I just let go. They don't hunt in the day and my chickens are safe at night. Beside they keep the stray eggs laid under bushed cleaned up ;-)
What part of ten. My wife and I are right outside Savannah. Fairly new to the chick thing. Started early this spring with white leghorns and reds. Now its blowing up. We have added bards, buff orps bronze turks, and now jersey giants. Plan on Brahma and blue laced red dots. We do a lot of volunteer work at Hardin Co. Poultry. Having a blast would like to meet more like us. You should check out Hardin poultry if you're close. A great place to see and learn a lot there
I stocked up on all my ammo before everything hit the fan lol. I used to be a every Saturday at the range man so not to worried about missing. Guess I am gonna buy a live trap and just send him on his way . Worst part is our animal shelter only takes dogs....
I stocked up on all my ammo before everything hit the fan lol. I used to be a every Saturday at the range man so not to worried about missing. Guess I am gonna buy a live trap and just send him on his way . Worst part is our animal shelter only takes dogs....

Reminds me of my grandmother. She had a house in Berkeley CA with a lovely back yard, pond with goldfish... cats would often visit. She had a BB gun she kept in her closet, which had a window that faced the back yard. My little, sweet, well educated, high-classed lady of a grandmother would shoot the cats out of her yard.

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