The Middle Tennessee Thread

RavynFallen, have you identified any Ohiki you can let go, or are you still going through your pens? Just following up. Thanks
RavynFallen, have you identified any Ohiki you can let go, or are you still going through your pens? Just following up. Thanks

Sorry, Ben... this was the week of h***, lol... everything that could go wrong sure did... I have a barred cockerel, a couple BBR girls and *maybe* a couple blacks... earlobe color still needs work... will have to check leg color... I'll get pics for you to see...
Does anyone know where I can get some Bobwhites in the surrounding counties of Dickson, Hickman, ClarksV, Humphreys, Benton.... area? I need about 8 more hens.
Two of my calico hens started laying last week-end. I'm anxious to put them in the incubator and see if they're fertile yet! Last year I didn't get any turkey eggs until late February, I think. I will have Tiger Narragansetts, Muted Calico (which produce Calico, Royal Palm, Red Palm, Blue Palm, Pencilled Palm and more) , and variations of Blue Slate this year.
We are about an hour south of McMinnville on the other side of Tullahoma. I've got Bantam Cochins (in blue, lemon blue, splash, lemon blue splash, white, birchen, black, frizzled and smooth), Silkies (cuckoo, barred partridge in several shades, black, and more) Polish (many colors including barred/crele, frizzled and smooth), EE's, Ameracaunas, OEs. I have eggs, chicks and juveniles up to about 10-12 weeks of age. Also Buff Orps, New Hampshire Reds, Bielefelders, and Bresse.
I am dancing between breeds. I just can't seem to decide on what I want to concentrate on. I can have 12 chickens. That means either 1 roo and 11 hens or 2 roos and and 10 hens if I want two breeds
Then I thought that I would like a full sized dual purpose chicken and then a maybe a couple of egg machine hens and a couple of super broodies. Raising a rare breed appeals to me but I need it to be a workhorse too. At some point I would like to get quail again so it would be nice if the super broodies were light enough to hatch quail eggs too. So I am trying to decide between breeds. I am looking at the Neiderheiner as a dual purpose chicken. It is both rare and dual purpose and I love it's color. I can't decide whether I would want Silkies, Cochins or Rose Comb Nankings for super broodies. For the egg machines I have no preference between a brown or white egg. If the super egg machines lays a different color than the Neiderheiners then they could run with them and I wouldn't need to make a third pen.

My Sapphire (Leghorn X Am) has been on strike all winter so I am not really impressed with her as an egg machine. I have 2 Olive Egger hens and a nice 3 generation Olive Egger roo. They haven't laid an egg since mid October. True I have not provided light but really. They aren't aged. The Sapphire is about 10 months old and the other Olive Egger hen 18. The third hen is 2 years so I wasn't expecting as much from her. But I am really wanting more. I have built them a new hen house that is an improvement on the old. It has much better natural lighting.They have been in the new pen about a week. I am hoping to see eggs soon. But I am considering going a whole new direction with my breeds. I will miss the blue and green eggs though.
See, and I was just marveling that I'm still getting eggs from almost 9YO EE hens! But then I do have a light on a timer so I don't know what their season would look like without.

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