The Middle Tennessee Thread

The brooder Kids came home. Power is still out as far as I know. NES doesn't make it easy for you to report outages with out your acct number that I know off the top of my head LOL. I lost 5 when I got there. It was pretty warm still so not sure that was the issue. I have 2 or 3 that might not make it because they piled when they got some heat.

My son said if he was not busy at work he would take a vacation day and help clear some trees. We have a plan to replace the roofing that will avoid climbing on the old rafters. May not be a permenate fix but we are planning to tear that barn down when we build the house. Spending big money is not a good option. It will be fine.... nothing is in the way other than the neighbors in the front drive. We might have a BIG marshmallow roast this weekend. Does cedar affect the taste of the roasted marshmallow? The maple is going to smell good.
Chickens sounding the alarm while shut in their run... Two days in a row they've had a northern goshawk moving tree to tree overhead trying to catch them outside their shelter and spooking them in the process. Someone give that bird a map so it can move on, already! Definitely one species I'm glad doesn't nest here. At least the red tails stick to open areas and the chickens have a chance at surviving a cooper's pounce.
I got WAY lucky. Lost land line, still out but kids are all good. I guess the ring of mountains worked out in my favor.

@RavynFallen Sorry to hear about the pullet. @DMRippy I don't have a propane brooder, but do have a heater--but likely you'd spend more on gas coming out this far than it costs to buy one.

Apparently I spoke too soon, just lost water. ARG!
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Bring the chicks back to the farm and the electric is out AGAIN!

Does anyone know if there's going to be a poultry show in Woodbury this year? Last year I didn't hear about it until the week after, I'd really like to go this year but no one here in Manchester has heard anything about it.
Bring the chicks back to the farm and the electric is out AGAIN!
Hope they're doing ok. All the little ones I picked up from you are doing beautifully. My girls are absolutely smitten with one of the little Sapphires (has a little crest starting to show) and the lightest CCL baby. The boys are settling in well too. One of the little split cockerels has taken a liking to me, I'm thinking he'll end up a dual purpose breeder/pet. Lol!

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