The Middle Tennessee Thread

Tisha, I don't have any suggestions for your coops/runs - but I think you're smart to raise the sleeping boxes a couple feet off the ground. That will give them the area underneath to get out of the sun or rain - and gives you extra square footage for the run. The framing looks great. My first coop is similar - in that the coop part is above part of the run.
I am a soon-to-be chicken newbie here in Middle Tennessee (chicks coming in on Tuesday/Wednesday...and we've only lived in Middle Tennessee for a couple years), and I was wondering: with the crazy warm weather we had this winter (and are STILL having), will we have issues with mites/lice this year? The reason I ask is, even with Frontline I have been combating ticks on the dog this winter...and the horses are already getting eaten-up by flies. I'm just wondering if I should pre-emptively dust the coop/turn-out area before the chicks leave the head off any issues at the pass? I specifically ordered chicks for this time of year so that it wouldn't be TOO cold, but the insects/noseeums/pathogens would still be much for THAT theory this year...
I am a soon-to-be chicken newbie here in Middle Tennessee (chicks coming in on Tuesday/Wednesday...and we've only lived in Middle Tennessee for a couple years), and I was wondering: with the crazy warm weather we had this winter (and are STILL having), will we have issues with mites/lice this year? The reason I ask is, even with Frontline I have been combating ticks on the dog this winter...and the horses are already getting eaten-up by flies. I'm just wondering if I should pre-emptively dust the coop/turn-out area before the chicks leave the head off any issues at the pass? I specifically ordered chicks for this time of year so that it wouldn't be TOO cold, but the insects/noseeums/pathogens would still be much for THAT theory this year...

... sorry I don't have an answer for you. Was anything in the coop/run before that would draw pests? It can't hurt... DE would be a good idea. I would not use anything more powerful with chicks going into it soon.
Carol.... I was just reading about making some Hampbars.... Funny! I don't need anymore breeds.

I just hatched 36 chicks today and 2 more had pipped maybe more tomorrow. ALL of my Marans pipped, 1 zipped and died, 1 is still pipped, but all the rest are out and doing well! I can't believe that! Some will be going on CL tonight 11 to be exact, some blue most black. I have 2 Lav Spits and 1 NH, and 3 RIR to put on CL.

I also have some FREE little roos, 2 are Leghorn Am Crosses about a month old, and 1 EE and 1 Something else don't remember about 2 weeks old and 4 BSL roos from today I also have 1maybe 2 Leghorn Cross that is 2 months old with a pea comb.

Holly... you still want that little Blue Copper Marans Roo? I need to clean out my brooders. I have way over 100 chicks and next week more are hatching and then I just set 220 more eggs this week and more coming.... I have to stop... Most of the ones I am setting now will be for sale. I have to call the guy to process my roos... they just have to go. I can put a ton of chicks in those pens.
WOW... already sold the Marans.... hum... need to hatch more.... OH Wait I have 60 more eggs, ok I am sure I have more than that, in the bator to hatch soon. She wants my free roos too
Hi, New to BYC.. I have my first chicks ordered and should be here last week in April. I live outside of Lewisburg, TN. Looking forward to chatting with you all

Thanks to CarolJ for steering me here to the Middle TN Thread
Welcome to the Middle TN thrread, Moore Chickens! This is a great group of people.

Donna - never heard of Hampbars. Sounds interesting. I'll have to look it up and see who's working on them.

Texokie 1 - I have been wondering the same thing about ticks/lice/insects after our unusually mild winter. Just being in the yard today, I noticed an awful lots of gnats and mosquitoes.
Welcome to the Middle TN thrread, Moore Chickens! This is a great group of people.

Donna - never heard of Hampbars. Sounds interesting. I'll have to look it up and see who's working on them.

Texokie 1 - I have been wondering the same thing about ticks/lice/insects after our unusually mild winter. Just being in the yard today, I noticed an awful lots of gnats and mosquitoes.

We have already had ticks
it is going to be bad... maybe the bachelor pen will have to be a free range rooster free for all
just to eat the bugs.....

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