The Middle Tennessee Thread

That is my first egg from one of this years pullets
Good color too. I found that my marans got a little darker as they laid. Let me know if they get darker. Maybe in a month or so. I know that was fun finding that egg in the nest box. Congrats! ...... now I need to find some in my nest boxes ......
By the way, Donna, that blue rock I got from you last fall is trying to go broody. She stayed in the nest box all day - and was still there when I closed the pop door tonight. I let her stay there. Tomorrow I'll see if she gives me the "broody growl" when I bother her. Then I'll watch to see if she'll stick with it a few days. If she's a dedicated broody, I might put some eggs under her. Although I really don't need any more broody hens right now!
By the way, Donna, that blue rock I got from you last fall is trying to go broody. She stayed in the nest box all day - and was still there when I closed the pop door tonight. I let her stay there. Tomorrow I'll see if she gives me the "broody growl" when I bother her. Then I'll watch to see if she'll stick with it a few days. If she's a dedicated broody, I might put some eggs under her. Although I really don't need any more broody hens right now!
Ive been trying to get my silkies to go broody! After I introduced a new roo, they have been drooling over him. I have a white one that will sit in the nest, and by the time I think she is broody..she gets up.
I am going to put golf balls in the nests tomorrow. Usually that gets em going
By the way, Donna, that blue rock I got from you last fall is trying to go broody. She stayed in the nest box all day - and was still there when I closed the pop door tonight. I let her stay there. Tomorrow I'll see if she gives me the "broody growl" when I bother her. Then I'll watch to see if she'll stick with it a few days. If she's a dedicated broody, I might put some eggs under her. Although I really don't need any more broody hens right now!
I have one Blue Rock that has gone broody 2 times so far. I let her hatch chicks once and she did a good job. I also have a Marans that is going broody for the 2nd time too.... maybe the 3rd.... I can't remember. She was not a good mommy, just OK. I have a Blue Barred Rock that has been broody for awhile, I just don't have a pen that I can put a broody in.....
She will get over it... she did once before. I guess I have 5 broodies right now..... I can't help them. Just hope they will give up soon!
My Spring Pullets are finally laying... well most of them. The barred girls are giving me a darkish brown small egg, and the black giant is giving me a nice light brown egg... at least I assume it is her. The Americaunas (gosh I hate spelling that word) aren't laying just yet.
OK The storm has past and I made it without any power outages very happy indeed. This is very unusual because there have been times when a mouse could fart and my darn lights would flicker. Two days till lockdown a bit nervous but very excited too ! I don't think I'll ever get off the lawn mower with all this rain, been busier then 3 legged cat trying to bury a turd, but still happy to have the rain. I have discovered that my chickens are crazy for ramen noodles of course without the seasoning pack, it has turned out to be a very affordable treat for them. Anyhoo I hope all is well with everyone.......
Thanks for all the replys on coops.....we really wanted one we could walk into and large enough to "slightly" extend our flock.....yeah right, everytime I think I'm done I see one I have to have!!
Anyhow my hubby got on the stick and already ordered me one without me knowing as a birthday present. Now what kind of woman would ask for a chicken coup for a birthday present???

Chad....thanks for your offer, if we need any other coops after this, I'll contact you.
Thanks for all the replys on coops.....we really wanted one we could walk into and large enough to "slightly" extend our flock.....yeah right, everytime I think I'm done I see one I have to have!!
Anyhow my hubby got on the stick and already ordered me one without me knowing as a birthday present. Now what kind of woman would ask for a chicken coup for a birthday present???

Chad....thanks for your offer, if we need any other coops after this, I'll contact you.
If you can dream it chances are I can build it...Have hammer and nails will travel....Just keep me mind Thank You
I just heard some ruckus outside so I take a peak and the neighbors little yappy ***** mini pinscher is hot and heavy after my chickens and her big butt is standing there watching. They have about 15 coon dogs that bark all darn night long and are always getting loose. I have had this little ankle bitter get after me several times in my own yard. What is the matter with people one more time and the dog will expire period. I really need to put up a fence but don't have the funds, if anyone has any handyman projects for me they need to get done it would be greatly appreciated. I can do just about anything just let me know....Thanks all

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