The Middle Tennessee Thread

Wow, you'd never tell the age from the condition of the van. Spray it with scotch-guard now, can't do it after you get stains as it will set them. So sorry about the Rooster, has me thinking of getting one. But jay- jay, the donkey, is already SO loud.
@amenfarm I see you are in my neck of the woods! Yea wish I had scotch guarded my car and van. Amazing how much 2 little kids can mess up a car. I have the next Picasso! My 5 year old loves to draw and draw on everything.. Anyone know how to get pencil marks off cloth seats and trim
She also drew chickens on the side of the van with sharpe! Guess I can always draw a frame around it and call it modern art "A la Auto" LOL
Well it looks like out of my 9, "7wk olds I have 5 OE roos. Anyone around here need a young roo for a fresh gene pool? If I can't find homes for them, they will go off to the chicken man. He takes the extra males off me to sell at fairs, swap meets and auctions. At least I don't have to feed them that way LOL. They are BCM x green/blue egg layers. So they will carry the blue gene.
@amenfarm I see you are in my neck of the woods! Yea wish I had scotch guarded my car and van. Amazing how much 2 little kids can mess up a car. I have the next Picasso! My 5 year old loves to draw and draw on everything.. Anyone know how to get pencil marks off cloth seats and trim
She also drew chickens on the side of the van with sharpe! Guess I can always draw a frame around it and call it modern art "A la Auto" LOL
Sharpie can be removed from non-porous surfaces (even finished wood!) with rubbing alcohol. Not sure on the pencil -- haven't done that yet. I did have bright red lipstick on my tan carpet that I got out with help from Google so don't lose hope. Dry erase on wool rugs, though? No hope.
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I think broodiness is contagious. Now I have 3 broody hens, a silkie, mill fleur d'uncle, and my OEG bantam. The silkie & mill fleur are sitting on some silver sebright eggs and my old English is sitting on some serama eggs. I hope I get some good hatches :D
Well i managed to get about 130 eggs in the hatcher today. Well i left one basket of guinea in the bator because ther was no more room. I kept hearing one chirping and just thought it was one of the pipped one of my blrw had hatched ans was on the bottom of the bator. Took the egg with him too lol.

I have some silver sebrights in lockdown for my neighbor. I hope they hatch....i just quickly candled some because most had pipped. 3 had hatched in the top baskets when i left. Ther are 8 other baskets under those. I really need more brooder boxes BAD. May have to see if walmart has a big box i can use till i can get more.

Got my chicks today from paul smith....40 i needed more babies.

My son ran over a rattle snake in the driveway today...... i dont like poisonous snakes that close. I know we have them but hoped they would just stay in the back 40.

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