The Middle Tennessee Thread

They aren't fancy, they don't all lay pretty colors, but they kept the bator warm , they tended to have hatch rates of 80-100% , and I've got an F2 generation of my barnyard mutts in half the bator right now, partly to keep it full, but also b/c having a few extra decent mutt birds to grow out and gift to ppl who could really use a little food flock is my own little pay it forward project. Some of them will enjoy the birds and move into buying better stock if/when they can afford it, but mainly these go to ppl who would never afford it otherwise (2x it has included a basic little homemade coop too for that reason).

What a fine idea! Very sweet.
I have seen that Samaritan's Purse has the option...instead of the shoebox gifts (Operation Christmas Child) could buy a family some chickens. I looked at the magazine after Christmas
(just a little late), but I think I will have to buy a couple of those next year. Even better is to help a neighbor out!
What a fine idea! Very sweet.
I have seen that Samaritan's Purse has the option...instead of the shoebox gifts (Operation Christmas Child) could buy a family some chickens. I looked at the magazine after Christmas
(just a little late), but I think I will have to buy a couple of those next year. Even better is to help a neighbor out!

When the economy went bad in 08 ALL the factories in the nearest town closed, 400+ jobs gone, w/in a month ALL the mom&pop small businesses in the town went under, and since then 30% of the homes in the surrounding county have been bank foreclosed, things have been very grim for pretty much everyone w/in 50 miles of here ever since. We are of course in a rural area so I'd already been encouraging neighbors to plant small gardens, adding a little food flock is a logical thing to do. We also have a HUGE tick problem in this area so again the birds can literally be life savers, eating ticks and preventing diseases! I show the neighbors that free ranging birds get a good portion of their own chicken feed free, remove ticks, provide fertilizer for the food garden, make eggs & meat, and just need a little homemade predator proof coop for overnight which again while not nec pretty can be made of free recycled items. Once they get the picture they usually smack their forehead and say wow this is what my (great) grandparents did.

I believe there will be 4 more backyard chicken flocks on my road this year that 3 yrs ago, and twice that again in garden plots this year, one of the neighbors who I gave chickens to last year has a shaded lot so she is working on swapping eggs w/ her neighbor in trade for shaing a veggie garden plot in his all sunny lot, he is retired & has cancer and can't garden his sunny yard himself so it is a perfect trade. There still are not any local jobs, but there are plenty of little ways people can help each other and make things better and to me back yard chickens have a huge important roll to play in that :)
Is everybody okay? If I have snow and ice in Murfreesboro, north and west must be a real mess. Y'all be careful! Let's hope this is winter's last hurrah. I'm ready for spring!
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My son said they PLOWED the streets in AC but not the main Hwy 12 out of town. He said it was getting better as people drove on it. Going to be rough tomorrow too when it refreezes tonight.

I did get my mail off.... he took that to the post office.

Electricity came on about 2:30am
My son said they PLOWED the streets in AC but not the main Hwy 12 out of town. He said it was getting better as people drove on it. Going to be rough tomorrow too when it refreezes tonight.

I did get my mail off.... he took that to the post office.

Electricity came on about 2:30am
Glad to hear you got your electricity back!
We made it to Sparta to work ok but it is getting much worse and I do not look forward to driving home

Be careful! MyDH made it home up the mtn from Dunlap an hr ago but his windshield wipers got broken b/c slush from a truck froze them onto the windshield mid wipe! hwy 111/8 is a mess...everyone do be careful and don't drive if you can avoid it!

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