The Middle Tennessee Thread

Read on BYC about putting different age chicks together. I have 10 Barred Rock pullets at 8 1/2 weeks and 14 other (different breeds) at 3 1/2-4 1/2 weeks. I have taken them out to the run a few times recently. They were fast outgrowing their brooder. So I took them out mid day today and they were in the run with the big girls all day. I think they did well. Some of the older ones would intermittently chase them back into their corner but no injuries or casualties. Then after the big girls got on their roost, my daughter caught the little ones and tossed them in the pop door where I was waiting to make sure they could find there way around and to be sure the older ones didn't give them any trouble. They were chirpy for a bit but have settled down now in a pile in the wall instead of under the platform I made so that they would feel safe and cozy. Well at least they can hide under it in the morning if they all wake up before I do and the older ones are not in a good mood.
So everything is looking good so far. Hope it continues. A few of the little guys are a bit impertinent or maybe just not smart. We'll see if everyone survives while we're gone to church tomorrow.
My 6 week old gals have moved into their grow out pen this week. They were hanging out on the stoop before bedtime tonight.

I have around 30 English Orpington chicks ranging in ages from 16 weeks to just hatched for sell!
I have Jubilees, Lavenders, Black Split to lavender and Black! I have several pairs and trios of each color for sell!
Prices range from $30 - $15 per bird depending on age, gender and color.
Please message me if you are interested!

I can't get pictures to upload for some reason. If you would like to see pictures of them just message me!

On the way to Bonnies we stopped at the Flea Market (I saw chickens LOL) Doug was talking to this guy about his ducks..... in about 5 mins this guy almost had him buying DUCKS! He told him they were better bug eaters than guinea..... what do yall think... yes no????? He made me think guinea are bug specific eaters and ducks would eat anything..... is he right? I don't want ducks... they are really messy.

Well Ducks are better at eating mosquito larve and snails and slugs. If you don't have a problem with those three I would stick with guineas. Of course if you are going to put up with messy ducks I would spring for Manderins because their beauty and resale price makes them worth it.
Rabbit poop can go straight on the garden.

Sheep and cattle manure gets composted for at least a year then used on garden.

Poultry manure gets put in a separate compost pile away from where we ever graze sheep. It is never used - many negatives with all the other better compost available.

Well I do not now nor will I ever have sheep or goats. I have though just been dumping my used wood chips on my compost pile, am I in trouble now? Should I not be doing that? Am I not able to use that compart safely?

People have been using chicken poop on gardens for centuries.  As long as it COOKS and is composted you will be fine.  My compost pile can't really cook without us adding a ton of grass clipping and we cant do that.  We are trying to get away from pine shavings.... they don't compost easy at my place. 
I have had people offer to clean my coops for the poop for their compost piles.  LOL. 

Poultry pass a high percentage of copper. This is fatal to sheep. I've know of too many unknowing people who fertilized sheep pastures wuth poultry manure just to loose dozens of sheep to copper poiso6nibg.

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