The Middle Tennessee Thread

Stall dry sweet PDZ is a zeolite product, mined from volcanic areas, borrowed from the equine side of the barn. It immediately breaks the ammonia bond, does not interfere with compost-actually lightens soils, can even be used in litter-boxes-safe if livestock or pets ingest any. I believe its used in alot of filter media.
Cpegram, I just came across a post about pdz, and looked it up, it looks like a good odor absorbing bedding.....I'm gonna give it a try as soon as the pine bedding runs out!
I did have poop boards with pdz after reading the poop board thread 3 years ago, we redid the roosts to a ladder style in the last 2 months to allow for almost triple the amount of chickens. Now instead of poop boards, we have a poop hammock, I just sprinkle in a little pdz right were the manure collects and empty it once a week. Almost zero smell and lots less mess all over inside the coop.
I did have poop boards with pdz after reading the poop board thread 3 years ago, we redid the roosts to a ladder style in the last 2 months to allow for almost triple the amount of chickens. Now instead of poop boards, we have a poop hammock, I just sprinkle in a little pdz right were the manure collects and empty it once a week. Almost zero smell and lots less mess all over inside the coop.

Do you have some pics you can post? I'm more of a "visual" learner....

My dad and husband built a new coop for me last fall. It's 8' x 12' with the front 4' being a feed/storage room. So, the real coop is 8' x 8'. I have a roost bar on the opposite end. Here's a pic during construction. (The window is covered in hardware cloth and plexiglass inserted during winter. The boards were supposed to be overlapped, but my husband forgot, so there are cracks between the boards...I'm going to have to install some hardware cloth on the inside.)


The poop table has sand on it, but I didn't really keep up with it. It's got quite a bit of poop on it. I'm planning on cleaning it out Mon-Tuesday and putting down the PDZ. Now that my baby is a little older, I'm able to get out and do more so I should be able to maintain it better. At the time, she was only taking two 40-minute naps a day and feeding every 45-60 minutes...I couldn't get anything done!

I'm going to add roosts on both sides of the coop (I've got a bunch more babies that I need to make roost spaces for). I'm going to build two brooders underneath one of them--4' long each.
I loved my poop boards, but I have too many babies,19 + 9 adults, so we had to change roost designs. I'll get pictures this weekend and post. My sister had food poisoning and I have my 4 year old nephew I'm watching, who is napping at the moment.
I only use the PSZ for ammonia break down right under where most of the manure is-night roosting, it's not a good bedding material. . I sprinkle it on top/under the shavings for the chicks as well. The coop floor is covered in pine shavings, DLM-leaves when I can get them.
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