The Middle Tennessee Thread

Hello I just noticed your just down the road from me in Tullahoma. I live in Lynchburg. What kind of Chickens do you raise? Also was the state vet you talked to named Jill?

Yes - Jill Johnson was who I spoke with. She is always very helpful. Right now I have an assortment but Breed Plymouth Rocks. I have some leghorns, cream Legbars, isbars, bielefelder, blue rocks and white rocks.
Hi everyone :frow   I'm from Estill Springs.  It's between Tullahoma and Winchester.  Are there any breeders in the area? I just bought a big new coop and I cant wait to buy some new chickens for it.

Welcome!! I breed Plymouth rocks and just started another batch in the bator yesterday. I live in Tullahoma. I have some older birds I would part with - send me a PM if you are interested.
Hi everyone
I'm from Estill Springs. It's between Tullahoma and Winchester. Are there any breeders in the area? I just bought a big new coop and I cant wait to buy some new chickens for it.
We are between Shelbyville, Tullahoma and Lynchburg and raise Polish Crested (frizzled and smooth), Ameracaunas, Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers, Bresse, Bantam Cochin (frizzled and smooth), Black Marans, Bielefelders, Welsummer, Heritage Turkeys in many unusual colors, Red Golden Pheasant, Peafowl, Muscovey Ducks, Pekin Ducks, and Swedish Ducks. I only have a few roosters left to sell but my first batch of chicks in many of these breeds is due to hatch 1/26. I will be hatching weekly through the spring as long as Bird Flu stays away from Middle TN!
Does anyone have hatching eggs cheap or free for me to try out my incubator? Its been a few years since I've used it an I don't really want to spend allot of money the first go round. I could pick up in Tullahoma, Winchester, Manchester, or possibly Murfreesboro
Hi everyone :frow   I'm from Estill Springs.  It's between Tullahoma and Winchester.  Are there any breeders in the area? I just bought a big new coop and I cant wait to buy some new chickens for it.

Hey, chicknchic!
We have breeders all over the area. :) Pretty much any breed you want you can find in the greater middle TN area. We tend to do a lot of selling on our Facebook group "Middle TN Chickens". It is a closed group, but I accept anyone in the greater middle TN area. Shoot over a join request and we will hook you in over there too.:)
I'm in Murfreesboro and have BBS ameraucanas, buff orpingtons, welsummers, easter eggers, BBS cochins and buff silkies.
I'm in Fentress Co, and I breed BBS, partridge and blue partridge Silkies, frizzled Silkies and Sizzles. I get whites occasionally too. I might be able to part with a few chicks :)

It seems like I'm not really that close to anyone though :/

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