The Middle Tennessee Thread

Has anyone here seen a chicken with pink earlobes? One of my Olive Egger roos has pink earlobes. Candy heart pink. He is a brown silver duckwing. He has just finished his first molt and that is when his earlobes turned pink. He is about 9 or 10 months.
We have three Rhode Island Red roosters that we need to find new loving homes for. They are about 12-13 weeks old and are good looking birds. We got them as chicks from another BYC member so we thought we might have some luck finding them new homes to another BYC member! Please let me know if you are interested! Here is some pics of them

Besides Tuckers, ordering from Amazon or driving to KY, the non-GMO feed I have found is from KNB Dairies. Brian Harville's recipe is not exactly what you have here. He does not use soy, but other protein sources. I'm sure he would be glad to speak with you about it. He also has the capacity to do custom blends too. His number is 615-473-1108. BTW, he now has a non-calcium recipe so the roosters are not forced to eat calcium enriched feed. Instead I use free choice calcium source. I got 9 dozen eggs this week in spite of the weather. It is $20/50#.
I spoke with Brian last night. Yes his layer mix and scratch mix are available at the smith county coop. He's working on a starter feed and broiler grow out but Clean protean is a challenge. I have a homework assignment and hopefully we'll know more in a couple months. Thanks for the introduction.
hey Shadow what part of Ok are you from. I'm from the nortrh eastern part.,been here about 11 years.
I am north of Nashville about 30 milesa.In Portland.

Heard great news this week,Ky has lifted the ban on poultry at auctions. That's great for those of us living near the stateline. The auctions the Mennonite's put on are a great place for us to sell and buy birds. ?Theu draw from such a huge area that there are usually a lot of really nice and quality birds of all kinds of breeds available.

Does anyone know of anyone raiseing Icelandic chickens? I know there are some in this part of the state because I sold some to a guy down in the Columbia area a few years ago. But I lost his info. Since they are such a varied looking breed ,if you weren t sure they were pure you would just think them crosses.
Is anyone interested in Ducklings? I ordered an assortment from Ideal an they arrived yesterday. I looks to be mostly Pekins and I'm not a fan of white ducks. I'm gonna keep some but if anyones interested I have 10 extras at $2.50 each or I will trade for hatching eggs.
Miss Emily called me last night and she is planning on holding the Poultry Swap in Woodbury again spring and fall this year. She did not do this last year for health reasons. The spring date is Saturday April 16 8:00-1:00 at the Woodbury show grounds. I think it's $10 to sell, and a USDA tester is usually there for non NPIP folks. Seller sign-in is 6:00-8:00. I love this poultry swap....friendly folks and some unusual birds!

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