The Middle Tennessee Thread

Yikes, cleaning dog poo today would be a pretty intense job. Hot and steamy poo! I guess I would try to make it fun, like "if we get it done quick, we can go make smoothies or have Popsicles...". Or give him two choices "you can do it Mbps or wait until this evening when it cools off. If you do it now, I'll help and we'll get it over with".
Tracyree he started at 10:30 and should have been done no later than 11 not really my issuse he drug it out almost 4 hours. And he has a hose for water if needed so no sympthy here for it being hot out there. I had the weedeating done, hung fans in coops, washed 2 loads and folded 4, oh and washed dishes and cooked breakfast all before 10:30. I laugh at his 20 min job.
Connie bear with me I am no expert with children. This is such a tough job. Although I do believe if he was my child or if........I actually raised him things would not be so hard on either of us because he would know what I expect and no way he would talk to me or other adults the way he does.
I did in my free time upload you all some very cute pics of my Showgirls that will be going to Nationals this year.



Good afternoon you all. It is already way too hot to be out working but I got lots done before hand. And I did find 3 free fans for the coops. Yay! Hope everyone and their chickens are managing to stay cool. I freeze small water bottle and drop them in the waterers for a nice cool drink.
Hatched 2 more splash showgirls over night.
Anne I sure hope your chickens leg is getting better I don't have a clue what to do for it though.
Ok local folks, I'm wondering what you all use in your coops/pens. Sand? Pine shavings? I like the idea of sand, but worry about it getting hot. Stinky?

Right now I have pine shavings in there and am not loving it.
Simplysplendidsiies- ok.... So I had a king snake named Drexel when I was in college. How odd is that??? He was a shared pet, my roommates and I bought him together.

Oh my goodness, I just went to your site and your name is Tish. Are you kidding me!!!??? Tish???? there's no way it could be a coincidence. It's Tracy
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My husband and I traded the pine shavings in the coop for sand and I love it. It's a snap for clean-up (I just use a kitty litter scooper) and it seems to be cooler for the girls. It also seems to dry out pretty well when it rains. It doesn't have that great pine smell but let's face it, that great pine smell never lasts does it?

On my way tomorrow to pick up two more bantam cochins aka chicken crack. They are THAT addicting...
Tracyree - I second Troyerchick on the sand! A couple inches of sand will last for months, even scooping the poop every day. Get the builders sand, not play sand, as it has some larger pieces mixed it.....easier to work with plus they can peck at it for grit. Once it got cold this winter I put straw over it so they could snuggle into it for warmth. Then cleaned that off and tried pine shavings.....didn't like the cleanliness of either one near as much. Was much harder to find and pick up the poo's.

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