The Middle Tennessee Thread

Heh, before I head out to the garden, here are a couple of pics I snapped last week. I am redoing my vegetable garden to look more like a flower garden. It has paths through it, and I laid irrigation underground. The herbs and flowers are mixed in with my veggies. . . .



It's still a work in progress, but July really isn't the time to work on structural things, eh!
Brown recluse info y'all!

Little buggers are not only nasty, but they're one of the critters that can change sex! So if you get rid of all but 2 females, one will have the operation and they'll make more baby spiders.

The incidence of 'recurrance' with a b.r. bite is quite high in spite of removal of dead tissue and antibiotics. So in addition to conventional medicine, you might want to consider some other measures:

July 2009 I was bitten by one on my right elbow. Never even went to dr as the net is full of reports on how little help their efforts are, especially long term. While at the health food store I had talked with dozens who had experienced the process without much success.

A Mennonite customer had taught me to make a paste with powdered clay (I used french green clay) and liquid goldenseal and poultice it over the bite site. So I did that, and alternated it with a paste of charcoal and water (to draw toxins out and neutralize the toxins in the tissue). I took large amounts of colloidal silver daily for 2 weeks, along with liquid goldenseal (held both in my mouth for 5 min to get it right into the blood supply).

I noticed the bite on day 2 (according to pics on the net that document the progression) and thought it was just a huge bruise. So I didn't start treating until day 3 when the little volcano started forming. I was nauseas, feverish, foggy headed, achy and had a horrible headache by then. So even with it that far along, the natural stuff took care of everything. Took 2 days till all the other stuff was gone, and at least another week before the sore was pretty well healed. All I have today is a round brown spot at the site.... no dead tissue, no saucer shaped loss of muscle!

Might not be able to do all this on four animals, but you could certainly add colloidal silver to their water or squirt directly into mouth. That stuff is awesome!
Jenski that garden is awesome! Did you do it all yourself? Looks like you've got a load of food in!
Love the garden. Wow you make me feel so much likean amature!
I uploaded on my facebook a public album of the silkie I plan to sell. 2 black pullets (I think) one blue one, One blue Showgirl teen unsexed and 2 Bobbi Porto cockerels one blue and one splash or something I don't do the Sef blue, porcelain, isabella so I don't know enough to say it is one or the other. It does not matter to me I don't run a splash rooster anyway and I DON'T do off colors.
Jenski - I LOVE your garden. That's similar to what I had in mind for my garden, but we ended up having straight rows & boxes - which is great for now.

Here is our garden two months ago.

Now everything is so overgrown. We didn't space out our plants enough & can hardly walk between the boxes now! This is our first year, though, and I know next year will be better.

But my goal is to SOMEDAY having a garden like yours! Mine is utilitarian - yours is artistic!

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