The Middle Tennessee Thread

Quote: is soooo exciting hatching new chicks.....good luck with the rest.....
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I don't put one in each pen but I do have a central light in the center of my shed that is left on all night..year around though so I can see in there at night as much as to help the layers.The pens near the doors are in complete darkness at night and laid as well as those in the center roosting at night so I didn't see any real difference.
I was wondering about lights during the winter, too. We finally ordered the shed that we're going to convert into a chicken barn - and we're planning on wiring it for electricity so I can have lights out there.

I've got 9 chicks fully hatched - two more have pipped. They are so cute as they dry off and get fluffy! My son brought my 1 1/2 year old granddaughter over to look at them. She loves the chicks. And my daughter will bring the older two (8 & 10) over later this evening. Such excitement for them!

None of the EE eggs I ordered from eBay have pipped - and I don't expect them to hatch. It was hard to see when I candled them, but I don't think they developed. However, I'd be so happy if I were wrong!

Question: Do any of you around Nashville hatch quail? At one of the weddings we attended yesterday, a woman told us about how she used to hatch quail eggs when she was a child. My husband was immediately interested in that. So now he wants me to give that a try. I'm reading everything I can find about that. LOL! As if these chicks were not enough.
I was down to 3 eggs a day and added light a couple of days ago and am back to my usual 6-8 maybe the non layer will start too. I turn it on at 3:30 and off at 8 i think. May change it to 3 soon when it is dark at 4.

Running real electricity is already on the books, supplies have all been bought! Marans pen is next! They are not laying yet, but I don't want them to wait till next year either!
Carol I can hook you up on EE too very soon. My BR roo is going to freezer camp very soon and my EE roo is going to rule the roost now! More babies to hatch maybe! Really have a ton after my first hatch from Connie
Do you want Wheaten looking EE? We can do a test hatch to find out what I will get. I have an EE girl that looks very wheaten and a Wheaten EE roo i also have a blue looking EE, Not laying yet, I could put with him and see if I get blue wheaten EE

I just started the bator up again. Only about 40+ eggs. This is my first REAl hatch
Marans, Lav Am, Dark Brahmas and prod reds a few from this BR roo cuz they are just pretty!

Tomorrow we have to build the BIG brooder. The 24 babies nearly 3 weeks now are going to kill each other if they don't get bigger digs soon
Donna, you are so funny. ONLY 40+ eggs!!! My kids already tease me about being a chicken hoarder because I have 25 now (7 grown chickens, eight 4 & 7 week old chicks and now 10 new chicks)
They don't understand that chicks don't count in chicken math.

I'd like some of your EE eggs - the chicks sounds beautiful. But I'll wait till the first of the year. I need to get the chicken barn ready for the ones I already have.

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