The Middle Tennessee Thread

well I have to gripe. spent all the daylight after work today fixing the goat fence, and a good while after dark fixing the juvenile pen I just made YESTERDAY, and then wrangling 26 chicks that are 6 weeks old from various parts of my yard.

Citygirl... don't get the goats. They are sweet little animals with beatiful souls, BUT, they are determined and headstrong and they will tear up an anvil. I think the old saying is true... " if you can throw a bucket of water on your fence and most of it don't come back and hit you, a goat will get out of it. ( and eat the heck out of your roses! )
I ALMOST bought a Frizzle SLW pullet.... didn't really look like a SLW though.... that was a soft little chicken and cute..... hubby hated it. BUT I did buy 3 D'uccle pullets or hens... I didn't ask
I would put them on Craig's List and/or LSN and make a reference to "Black Chicken". Apparently I was being had by the Asian guy who said it was "Gooey Duck" because when I Googled that it's a clam! (a rather provocative one)
Black Chicken Soup is a traditional Chinese dish supposed to have medicinal properties but doesn't all chicken soup?
""Gà ác", which literally translates to "cruel chicken" is black chicken." -This from a web page

I sold mine very very fast at the flea mkt. in Lebanon only $10.00 to set up!

Of course you made me look up the gooey duck and laugh/snort in my cubicle. Bad girl!

I just don't want to drive to Lebanon. I don't have that many to sell now. I made some flyers that I am going to tack up at the local International Market and see how that goes.
well I have to gripe. spent all the daylight after work today fixing the goat fence, and a good while after dark fixing the juvenile pen I just made YESTERDAY, and then wrangling 26 chicks that are 6 weeks old from various parts of my yard.
Citygirl... don't get the goats. They are sweet little animals with beatiful souls, BUT, they are determined and headstrong and they will tear up an anvil. I think the old saying is true... " if you can throw a bucket of water on your fence and most of it don't come back and hit you, a goat will get out of it. ( and eat the heck out of your roses! )

I have a whole herd of them and yes they could tear up an anvil. They have eaten a large section of unnoticed barn wood too. I believe mine may be part termite. My only suggestion is ELECTRIC. That's right if you can see blue sparks jump and see curly hair after they touch it, they will stay put. We laughing say our electric fence is set on stun. Go trekkies.
I think you may be on to something. I would make a very colorful flyer with the "Black skin" prominent. I think you should do well at the International Mkt. that never crossed my mind because I live in the middle of no where and if" Wally World don't sell it you don't need it" I have to drive 10 mins. just to get to a main road!

I love it too!!
Thanks, Donna. I've done lots of writing and editing over the years - so that contest was right down my alley.
And now I get some free shopping at Amazon!
Hello everyone! I have been trying to keep up with this thread but admit I have not read all post. (My computer is not a fan of this site since the update) I hope you all are doing well and enjoying the spring weather. The weather has been about the same here in NT Georgia and the birds and I are lovin it. I wanted to ask you all for ideas on my new barn I had a slight over sight and could use some ideas.

So I would post pic but all I have at this point is a frame for the building and runs and I don't think that pics will help although when the sun comes up good I will go take a few.
I will eventually have an 8x 20 enclosed metal barn with 5, 4x10 ft covered runs attached. Now the chickens in the runs will not have access to the barn (it is for ck stuff and brooders). What I wanted to do was add sleeping boxes to the runs. Enclosed secure sleeping boxes of course. But what I realized this morning is they will take up floor space which I will need. So now I need to put the sleeping boxes off the ground either by attaching to the barn or putting them on legs.

Right now I am thinking little hutches about 2 ft off the ground. Each will need to allow about 8 chickens room to sleep and have proper ventilation.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated and pics even more so.


Hope everyone's hatching like crazy!
Are any of my fellow Middle TN folks interested in some legbar or rhodebar males straight from Greenfire Farms? I placed an order for chicks (my Christmas present - they were ordered before Christmas!) that came yesterday - and they sent two extra legbar roos and two extra rhodebar roos. I don't need that many. Unfortunately they didn't send any extra females. They might be interesting for some of your breeding projects. The roos are $29 each - which is what I paid for the ones I ordered. No shipping - just local delivery. PM me if you're interested.

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